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That’s a wrap for the summer playground program

The township summer playground program began June 17 and ran through July 26 at Devonshire, Frank McCullough Sr., Lindberg and Laubach parks. Any township student who has completed kindergarten through age 12 was able to participate. The playground finale day was July 26. RIGHT: Opel Gower and her close friend Ainsley Salisbury walk around Lindberg Park sharing little girl secrets. Additional photos appear on Pages A2 and A5.PRESS PHOTOS BY C. RICHARD CHARTRAND
Staffer Maya Affix gives a friendly push to Anderson Foust and her friend Angel.
Ainsley Salisbury enjoys the shower spending most of the time getting wet.
RIGHT: CJ Brenner throws the basketball as far as he can.
ABOVE: Declan Coyle tries to throw the basketball the farthest.
LEFT: Drake Sims likes to fill his hat with water and dump it on whoever is close.PRESS PHOTOS BY C. RICHARD CHARTRAND
PRESS PHOTOS BY C. RICHARD CHARTRANDThe older kids exercise a little by doing jumping jacks. Additional photos appear on Page A5.
Kennsington Steinbergan attempts to throw the ball farther than anyone else.
Lunch time at the playground program includes hot dogs and chips.
ABOVE: Kids take time to enjoy lunch before doing other activities at the summer playground program finale.