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School board discusses 2024-25 budget

During Whitehall-Coplay School Board’s July 22 meeting, the main focus was the budget for the upcoming academic year and goals for the future of Whitehall-Coplay School District.

Superintendent Dr. Robert Steckel provided a presentation to the board.

The breakdown is as follows for the 2024-25 school year budget.

• Basic education funding: $14,797,776 (50% of governor’s budget; $2,160,776 increase)

• Special education funding: $3,037,547 (50% of governor’s budget; $50,543 decrease)

• Ready to Learn: $1,014,816 (no increase from 2023-24 school year)

• School safety and mental health grants: $200,000

The Pennsylvania 2024-25 education budget includes the following.

• Basic education funding: $13,831,049

• Basic education funding/fair funding formula increase: $649,730

• New hold harmless relief: $548,509

• Special education funding: $3,150,910 (increase of $290,792)

• Ready to Learn: $2,593,209 (adequacy increase of $1,578,393)

• New cyber charter reimbursement: $178,523

• School safety and mental health grants: $180,593

The board was also updated on the WCSD 2023-24 school year goals, including a 10-year vision for the district.

This update includes the following: revise assessment, grading and reporting to ensure students and families understand their progress and are able to identify their own learning; design and implement Future Ready classrooms in all schools, K-12; implement a K-5 comprehensive Multi-Tiered System of Supports structure that remediates student needs and enriches student growth; implement a 6-12 continuum of educational opportunities that remediate student needs and enrich student growth to produce college- and career-ready graduates; and implement universal pre-K programs for all 4-year-old students in WCSD.

There will be a special board meeting Aug. 12, and the next regular board meeting is set for Aug. 26. Both are held in the Large Group Instruction room at Whitehall High School, 3800 Mechanicsville Road.