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College Corner

University of Scranton

Cunningham, Werkheiser earn dean’s list

Kayla M. Cunningham, of Catasauqua, and Hannah J. Werkheiser, of Northampton, were among more than 1,650 students named to University of Scranton’s dean’s list for the spring 2024 semester. This list recognizes students for academic excellence. A student must have a GPA of 3.5 or better with a minimum number of credit hours during the semester to make this honor. The list includes students from the colleges of arts and sciences, Kania School of Management and Leahy College of Health Sciences (formerly Panuska College of Professional Studies).

Cunningham is a freshman secondary education-citizenship and history major in the college of arts and sciences, and Werkheiser is a senior kinesiology major in the Panuska College of Professional Studies.

The University of Scranton is a Jesuit university located in northeastern Pennsylvania.

Lehigh Carbon Community College

Commencement is held

Lehigh Carbon Community College held its 57th annual commencement ceremony May 15 at PPL Center in Allentown. Commencement recognized the nearly 950 students who have earned associate degrees, certificates or diplomas from December 2023, May and anticipated for August.

LCCC President Dr. Ann D. Bieber presided over the ceremonies. David L. Krause, chair of the LCCC board of trustees, offered the welcome. Elliott Centeno was selected as this year’s student speaker. Centeno, of Northampton, received his associate in arts degree, cum laude, in psychology. He will enter Bucknell University in the fall to pursue his bachelor’s degree. At 46, Centeno entered LCCC with the desire to turn his life around and demonstrated the power of an education.

Graduates (pending verification of academic record) include the following. To graduate cum laude, students must earn a GPA of 3.5-3.75; for magna cum laude, students need a GPA of 3.75-3.95; and for summa cum laude, students need a GPA of 3.95-4.0.

Bath: Adela Nesimi, Lindsay Stuhldreher

Catasauqua: Tricia Armbuster, summa cum laude; Marissa Biggs; Crystal Escobar-Figueroa, magna cum laude; Danielle Garibell, magna cum laude; Miah Glass; Julianna Grate; Kyra Jackson; Andrew Kuhn, cum laude; Tanner Laudenslager; Marko Popovic, magna cum laude; Bailey Witt, magna cum laude; and Tia Youwakim

Coplay: Johanna Amador; Stephanie Dobel; Sarah Evans; Cristina Fernandez; Ellie Herb, magna cum laude; Kevin Keppel, magna cum laude; Sarah Knappenberger; Misael Morales Jr.; Hannah Moyer; Ellysa Nichols, cum laude; Hannah Sodl; Erin Soldridge; Theresa Wertz; Emily Williams, summa cum laude

Danielsville: Jennifer Biege

Northampton: Elliott Centeno, cum laude; Julie Prutzman; Maria Ringler; Devon Schmidt; Julia Wilhide

Walnutport: Anna Boyce; Ashley Heffner, cum laude; Mikki Heintzelman; Paige Johannsmeier; Falisha Jones; Brittney Strumpf

Whitehall: Alex Aghnatios; Raegan Altemose, magna cum laude; Mariama Balde; Randi Bartley-Scruggs; Alexis Bartosh; Cheyanne Beaumont, summa cum laude; Anjeza Bozali; Beyonce Bravo, cum laude; Mayra Chitic; Jasleen Diaz; Natalie Dimmick; Shantel Dove; Nadine Dunkley-Thomas; Genevieve Eddinger, summa cum laude; Lizamarilys Escobar Figueroa, magna cum laude; Zachary Frana, cum laude; Jessica Frank, cum laude; Diane Galetti; Veronica Gaya; Youssef Gourrame, cum laude; Nayeli Guzman; Ahmed Hamada; Jeseille Hazim; Hannah Hoy; Solmaria Jimenez; Ulrich Kanga, cum laude; Hanan Kayour; Elissar Khalil; Carter Koch; Amanda Lahue, cum laude; Andy Magarin; Alana Marks; Valentina Masters; Jean Mendez Perez Sr., cum laude; Melissa Meyer; Mark Nakhlah; Laura Naum; Selsebila Ouaddah, magna cum laude; Wilyne Petion; Owen Redmond, cum laude; Nicholas Riedy, cum laude; Kailyn Rothenberger, magna cum laude; Olivia Sattely, cum laude; Idris Settles; Zeina Shahda; Nadia Tarsi; Alexus Tewold, magna cum laude; Vanessa Toledo-Castillo; Van Uk, cum laude; Manuela Uribe Gutierrez; Monet Wiggins; Alyssa Williams; Shawn Woodring; Ashley Ziegenfuss

Commonwealth University-Lock Haven

Hicks graduates with honors, earns dean’s list

Commonwealth University-Lock Haven congratulates Madison Hicks, of Catasauqua, for graduating magna cum laude in the spring of 2024 and for her participation in the semiannual student teacher induction and pinning ceremony, held in the Parsons Union Building. After successfully completing their placement, Hicks was honored alongside 55 other student teachers during the program designed to celebrate the hard work, dedication and commitment of prospective teachers.

To begin the program, Dr. Sherry E. Griggs, director of teacher preparation, clinical practice and certification, welcomed the administration, faculty, staff, guest speakers, student teachers, family members and guests. Dr. Ann Larson, dean of the college of education and human studies, also greeted the audience and offered remarks. The program continued with remarks from keynote speaker Tammie Burnaford, superintendent of Bellefonte Area School District, and comments from alumna Jennifer Reibson, a health and physical education teacher in Central Mountain High School in the Keystone Central School District.

Following the speakers, each student received a circle of children lapel pin, which represents four positive skills in the continuous circle of teaching and learning — cooperation, togetherness, unity and acceptance. The evening concluded with opportunities for photographs and a reception.

In addition, Hicks earned dean’s list during the spring 2024 semester. The dean’s list, prepared at the end of each semester, recognizes students who have achieved academic distinction. To qualify for this honor, a student must have earned a GPA of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale, in 12 or more semester hours of letter grades.