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Theater Review: NCC “Cat in the Hat” fun to have fun

“It’s fun to have fun,” says The Cat in the Hat.

The Northampton Community College Bill Mutimer Memorial 2024 Summer Theatre Series production of “Dr. Seuss’s The Cat in the Hat” was definitely fun.

“Dr. Seuss’s The Cat in the Hat” ran June 19-July 27, Norman Roberts Lab Theater, Northampton Community College, Bethlehem Township.

The play, based on the Dr. Seuss’ book, was originally adapted and directed by Katie Mitchell for the National Theatre of Great Britain.

NCC’s production was directed by Brandon Hanks. Max Wetherhold was Assistant Director. Jenna Williamson was Choreographer.

Michael Sheridan’s Cat in the Hat was exuberant and precocious.

Lydia Walker’s Sally had blonde curls and fabulous expressions.

Connor Sternberg’s The Boy was a little strident, but he made up for it with marvelous physical comedy.

The scene where The Boy traps Thing One and Thing Two in a net was one of the best.

Isabelle Awald’s Fish in the Bowl was well-played as the voice of reason. Awald’s ballet dance as the Fish was a highlight of the performance.

Kitten One (Deborah Katz) and Kitten Two (Angelina Dries) did double duty as cute kittens and prop handlers with aplomb.

Thing One (Cade Kocher) and Thing Two (Azelia Dos Santos), in their red suits and blue wigs, were twin tornados of trouble and fun. They played pattycake while The Boy tried to catch them, and it was adorable.

The July 27 performance seen for this review was sensory-friendly. Lighting changes were kept soft and minimal. The cast was just a little less loud. The theater doors were left open to allow for fast exit for upset children and their parents. The entire play was only 35-minutes-long, perfect for children with sensory issues and short attention spans.

Brett Oliveira worked quadruple duty as the Technical Director, Managing Director, Set Designer and Lighting Designer.

Brenda Maguire was Costume Designer. Mina Price was Assistant Costumer.

Information: https://www.ncctix.org/

CONTRIBUTED PHOTOThe Cat in the Hat (Michael Sheridan) with the Kittens (Deborah Katz, Angelina Dries), “Dr. Seuss’s The Cat in the Hat,” Northampton Community College Bill Mutimer Memorial 2024 Summer Theatre.