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Parkland Garden Club installs new officers


Special to The Press

The Parkland Garden Club recently installed its new officers for 2024.

Forty members attended with several guests, two of whom joined that evening as new members.

Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania District II/III Director Jane Kruse introduced and installed newly elected officers: Helen Papathanasiou, president; Kendra Copley, vice president; Cynthia Dunton, treasurer; Maria Dax, recording secretary; and Claire Kukielka, corresponding secretary.

The theme of the installation was “succulents.”

Kruse described their tenacious properties and related them to the roles and duties of each new club officer.

She presented each new officer with a planter of succulents.

New President Helen Papathanasiou presented outgoing President Claire Kukielka with a pin with the years she served engraved on the pin.

After previous minutes were approved, each committee chair gave updates on their committee’s present activities.

For more information on the club, visit parklandgardencllub.com.

PRESS PHOTO COURTESY PGCGarden Club Federation of Pennsylvania District II/III Director Jane Kruse, Corresponding Secretary Claire Kukielka, Recording Secretary Maria Dax, Treasurer Cynthia Dunton, Vice President Kendra Copley and President Helen Papathanasiou at the installation ceremony for the Parkland Garden Club’s new officers for 2024, on May 13.