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‘What a Mess!’ at St. John’s United Church of Christ

St. John’s United Church of Christ, 139 N. Fourth St., Emmaus, held its Vacation Bible School July 7-11. The theme this year was “What a Mess!” where participants were reminded of the unwavering love from Jesus for our imperfect selves. Vacation Bible School was complete with messy games, crafts and lots of messy fun. Kirsten Almeida was the director of Vacation Bible School assisted by Dave Hengeveld. RIGHT: Zayden Walkinshaw, Shane Gaugler and Brody Baker enjoy spending a messy time together at Vacation Bible School.
Brody Baker shows his ability to fold clothes during a Vacation Bible School activity.PRESS PHOTOS BY C. RICHARD CHARTRAND
Nora Donahue tries to fold her clothes neatly and quickly during a Vacation Bible School game. Participants were challenged to pick up the clothes, fold them and put them in a neat pile.
Dave Hengeveld gathers participants together to review what they learned about how Jesus deals with our sins during Vacation Bible School.