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Freedom grad earns Irene Todd scholarship

Corey James, Freedom HS class of 2024, will be a freshman this fall at Howard University, Washington, D.C., where he will study sports management and compete on the men’s soccer team.

He came a step closer June 9 at Blessed Trinity Lutheran Church at Rosemont, when he was awarded the $1,500 Irene Todd Scholarship during the Sunday morning service.

“I’m very happy. For any money going toward school and higher education, I’m very appreciative,” said James, the first African-American to receive the scholarship.

James will major in sports management and minor in physical therapy.

The former Rosemont Lutheran Church began awarding the scholarship in 2015, but this year marks the first time the scholarship was awarded from Blessed Trinity Lutheran Church at Rosemont, as the congregation was formed by the December 2023 merger of Rosemont and Blessed Trinity Lutheran churches.

James, son of Ellis and Nicole James, found out about the Irene Todd Scholarship via a website that lists available scholarships.

During his high school years at Freedom, James played soccer and was a member of the National Honor Society, and received straight A’s for three years. He also earned the President’s Education Award and Distinguished Athlete Award.

In addition to the Irene Todd Scholarship, James received the Howard University Founders Scholarship and the Bethlehem Township Lions Club Scholarship.

Art Smith, chair of the scholarship committee, said James achieved a 4.02 grade-point average and was in the Top 25 percent of his class.

“I was impressed with letters of recommendation from his teacher and soccer coach,” Smith said. “They showed what an outstanding student he was, and a terrific person.”

“I want to tip my hat to Jacque Quigley — I wouldn’t be able to put this together without her help in the office, she does a great job,” Smith said of the church’s parish secretary, who compiles the scholarship packets and performs other tasks in putting the scholarship together.

Mark Suter, director of music and organist at Blessed Trinity Lutheran Church at Rosemont, provided music for the service, with Devon Koch – a member of the church and Irene Todd scholarship recipient in 2022 and 2023 – on trombone.

The service included an early celebration of Juneteenth and Pride month.

A reception in James’ honor ensued in Laros Hall, where everyone enjoyed a celebratory cake and fellowship.

“Corey is a very talented young man with a bright future – he’s an inspiration to all,” the Rev. Jack Steltzer, pastor, said during the reception.

Blessed Trinity Lutheran Church at Rosemont mailed scholarship packets to all Bethlehem area Lutheran churches, as well as Liberty and Freedom HS, but the scholarship is open to all students who wish to apply.

Pastor Steltzer said the scholarship is open to churches, synagogues and mosques, and any denomination.

“We promote inclusivity and accessibility, trying to attract a diverse pool of applicants who can benefit from the Irene Todd Scholarship,” Pastor Steltzer said.

Dr. Irene Todd, a member of Rosemont since the 1940s, bequeathed funds to the church upon her death in December 2004. As a result of Dr. Todd’s generous bequest, Rosemont established a scholarship fund in her name in 2015 for students seeking an undergraduate bachelor’s, associate’s or trade school degree. Dr. Todd was a podiatrist in Bethlehem.

Rosemont established the scholarship fund for the purpose of forwarding its mission to God and in support of education. “Christ has called us together to do God’s work” is the mission statement that guides Blessed Trinity Lutheran Church at Rosemont in serving the church family and broader community.

Each year since the scholarship’s formation, a $1,500 scholarship has been awarded to a student who has demonstrated academic competency, as well as compassion and caring through service to his or her faith community and the broader community. Eligibility requirements include applicants submitting an essay of approximately 300-500 words focused on their background, educational goals, reasons for applying and explaining how the scholarship would help them achieve their career goals.

The scholarship may be used for tuition, fees or books, and should be treated as a scholarship of additional funds to the recipient.

The scholarship committee is comprised of Art Smith, chair; Lorraine Goff; Patricia Nelson; Michelle Curry; Carol Henn; and Pastor Steltzer, who is not involved in the selection process.

Past scholarship recipients are: Devon Koch, 2023 and 2022; Liliana Brockway, 2021; Aaron Matthew Strawn, 2020 and 2019; McKenzie Eisenreich, 2018; GianCarlo Seixas, 2017; Joseph Furner-Starrett, 2016; and Shawn Hartzell, 2015.

Press photos by Tami QuigleyThe Rev. Jack Steltzer, pastor of Blessed Trinity Lutheran Church at Rosemont, left, congratulates Corey James on being awarded the $1,500 Irene Todd Scholarship during the June 9 Sunday morning service with, from left, Kenda Riley, president of the church council holding flowers to be presented to James; and Art Smith, chair of the scholarship committee.
Scholarship Committee Chair Art Smith speaks about Corey James’ accomplishments.
Mark Suter, director of music ministry and organist, provides music for the service with Devon Koch – Irene Todd Scholarship winner in 2022 and 2023 – on trombone.
Corey James cuts the celebratory cake in Laros Hall with, from left, Art Smith, his dad Ellis James and Pastor Jack Steltzer.