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District invests in music for sports


Special to The Press

The Parkland School Board approved acquisition of Neptune Game Time software for music at athletic events at a cost of $4,575 for a one-year subscription and initial set up fee.

The music is designed for specific events and is fully screened.

At a June committee meeting, Superintendent Dr. Mark Madson commented on the purchase.

“The software allows the district to play the music without worrying about inappropriate language,” he said.

Director of Business Administration Leslie Frisbie, noted the licensing agreement allows the music to be used for 12 events outside of athletics.

Turning to academics, the board approved the purchase of new science textbooks for the 2024-25 school term at a cost of $826,589.

The books were recommended by the Parkland Science Leadership Team along with the office of teaching and learning for the middle schools and high school.

The board also approved acquisition of n 10th Generation iPads from Apple Inc. at a cost of $172,491.

The quote, presented by Director of Technology Tom Derhammer, includes 500 iPads to refresh existing ones used by student art classrooms, special education classes, psychologists and speech language pathologists; three iPads for athletics; and 503 mobile device management three-year licenses for the iPads.

Derhammer reported the district has the possibility of receiving $75,000 to $95,000 from a future iPad 6th Generation buyback from a certified e-waste and refurbished technology reseller.

He said the price range will be determined by the condition of the iPad.

The district has a surplus of 1,300 iPads, 6th Generation.

In a personnel matter, the board accepted the resignation of Francis Anonia, director of visual and performing arts, effective June 21, 2024.

Director, of Communications and Community Engagement Nicole Mehta McGalla emailed The Press the following comment on May 2 regarding the circumstances leading up to Anonia’s resignation.

“While I cannot discuss specific details about individual employees to protect their privacy, I can say that Parkland School District takes all personnel matters very seriously.

“We have established policies and procedures in place to thoroughly review and address any issues that may arise.

“Parkland is committed to maintaining a safe, positive and productive work environment for all of our employees and students.”