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Growing Green: The care and maintenance of rainwater

When it rains in developed areas, rainwater washes pollutants from paved surfaces, and sediment from bare soils into storm drains.

Storm drains lead to streams and rivers, and pollutants not only harm fish and other aquatic life. but can also enter our drinking water supplies.

The increased square footage of impervious surfaces such as driveways, roads and roofs also cause larger quantities of rainwater to drain to our streams at a rapid rate.

Lawns growing on compacted soil can be considered impervious if water cannot penetrate the ground.

The higher volume and speed of the water leads to flash flooding, erosion and does not provide groundwater recharge. Comparatively, in a forested area, the majority of rainfall soaks into the ground and recharges aquifers.

What can you do on your property to make a difference?

Don’t guess, soil test. Take a soil test to determine what nutrients your plants need. Plants and lawns may not require as much fertilizer as you think.

Limit lawn fertilizers, herbicides and insecticides. Reduce the size of your lawn by creating beds of shrubs and perennials. Landscape beds allow water to penetrate the soil and recharge groundwater.

You can reduce your need for herbicides by mowing your grass three to four inches. High mowing discourages weeds because higher grass shades out weeds.

Use natural fertilizer and time it right. Use compost or slow-release fertilizer on lawn areas. Leave grass clippings to compost naturally.

Avoid fertilizing your lawn before a heavy rain to prevent runoff of excess fertilizer. Sweep fertilizer off paved areas and rinse spreaders on the lawn so that fertilizer can be absorbed by the grass rather than being lost to runoff.

Plant trees. When it rains, trees act like giant umbrellas, intercepting rainfall in their canopies, reducing the amount of water that goes into storm drains. Their deep roots allow rainwater to infiltrate back into the soil where it can be used by plants.

Water wisely. Avoid over-watering lawns and use soaker hoses or drip irrigation in garden beds to put water where it is needed and reduce evaporation.

Improve your soil with compost which holds moisture and use natural, dye-free mulch in planting beds. Plant your garden when less water is needed. Early spring and fall are the best times to plant. Avoid planting during a drought when you must water more.

Build a rain garden. Install a rain garden to collect stormwater from your rooftop or driveway. The gardens capture and filter rainwater, allowing it to recharge ground water rather than running off your property to pick up additional pollutants.

Plant your stream banks, don’t mow them. If you have a stream or a small creek running through your property, plant native trees and shrubs along your stream bank. Deep-rooted plants reduce downstream flooding, filter out pollutants and nutrients and improve fish and aquatic habitat with shade.

Plant native. Native plants tend to be better adapted to the climate, weather patterns and soils. Most native species can withstand periods of drought, once established, and do not require supplemental watering. Native species also provide habitat for native butterflies, bees and hummingbirds.

Dispose of household chemicals properly. Keep soaps and cleaners out of storm drains where they can enter streams and rivers. Reduce the amount of deicers and toxic chemicals used around the home. Dispose of these chemicals properly.

“Growing Green” is contributed by Diane Dorn, Lehigh County Extension Office Staff, and Master Gardeners. Information: Lehigh County Extension Office, 610-391-9840; Northampton County Extension Office, 610-813-6613.