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NORTH WHITEHALL: Upper Lehigh Lions Club having craft and vendor show


Special to The Press

The Upper Lehigh Lions Club will stage its 27th annual craft and vendor show 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. July 20 in the Neffs UCC grove.

Organizers expect 75 vendor sites will be set up with handcrafted items.

Refreshments will be available all day.

For the first time, the craft show will take place separately from the Roar Festival.

The 46th annual Roar With the Lions Festival will take place in the Neffs Church grove on July 26 and 27.

Refreshment stands open at 5 p.m.

Midnight Special will be on stage Friday from 7-10 p.m. The Large Flowerheads will perform from 7-10 p.m. Saturday.

Great food from the Lions will be available all evening.

There will be a ticket raffle 9 p.m. Saturday.

The Lions will be accepting used eyeglasses, if you have any to contribute.


The Lions held installation of officers at the NOVA social hall on June 12.

The new president is Ken Ritter.

Vice Presidents are Erin Heintzelman, Keith Bloss and Christa Sterner.

Secretary is Bill Rabe; treasurer is Kevin Schmidt, and Assistant Secretary-Treasurer is David Matulevich.

Rich Wisser is Lion Tamer, and Phyllis Rumfield is Tail Twister.

Marsha Johnston is membership director.

One Year Directors are Kathi Smoll and Gene Wolfgang. Two-Year Directors are Dave Lint and Val Schramak.

Outgoing President Ken Zimmerman offered thanks to all of the Lions who made the past year a success.

He noted the club awarded five scholarships to Parkland High School and Lehigh Career and Technical Institute students.

Zimmerman reported the Community Betterment Committee purchased binder lifts for Northern Valley EMS, while the Fundraising Committee did a remarkable job of raising money for the community and Lions projects overall.

“We achieved many of the goals I set a year ago,” Zimmerman said. “It’s been a pleasure to serve with all of you.”

He noted the club did some fun things in addition to the work time.

Members visited Heidel Hollow Farm and the Emmaus Lions Club, had a good time at Dutch night, and were enlightened by 4-H Club members.

The Upper Lehigh Lions offered congratulations to member Nancy Kern, who recently was named a Melvin Jones fellow.


Union United Church of Christ, Neffs, is inviting children and families to a gingerbread house decorating contest from 11:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. on July 21.

Christmas in July worship will take place in the grove 10:30 a.m. July 28.

Here’s an opportunity to turn your thoughts away from the heat of summer to the music, message and the cool weather of Christmas, a few months early!