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Lumber Street development approved

At the regularly scheduled Macungie Borough Council meeting July 15, the Lumber Street development preliminary and final plans were approved. This 3.02 acre tract development is located on Lumber and Creek streets between Lehigh Avenue and Main Street.

The plan proposes a two-story apartment building containing 16 units. The plan also proposes an 11.800 square foot commercial building with seven commercial uses to be constructed.

The apartment complex will be constructed first.

Macungie Ambulance Corps responded to 354 calls for service in June; 23 of these calls were in Macungie Borough.

A new ambulance arrived after Macungie Borough assisted with the funding. The ambulance corps expressed their gratitude for the assistance and ongoing support.

Macungie police gave a quarterly report for the months of April through June. There were 685 calls during this period in 2024 compared to 543 calls in 2023. There were 31 arrests in 2024 compared to 8 arrests in 2023. There were 83 traffic citations in 2024 and 46 traffic citations in 2023.

Ordinance 2024-02 was approved for rezoning a parcel at the Macungie Volunteer Fire Department and another parcel in a portion of Kalmbach Park. Some members of the fire department expressed their concern over the rezoning of the firehouse parcel due to work on reshaping the fire department in hopes of it returning to full usage within the borough. Rezoning will make this difficult by limiting purposes of the building.

The department of public works made purchase requests which include street paving equipment for $2,195, street patching material for $11,000, street paving materials for $110,000 and street paving shop materials for $15,500. These were approved.

Resolution 2024-04 was approved for the Mavis Tire project.

Macungie is looking for a coordinator for Macungie Institute. Friends of the Macungie Institute noted their concern with the institute’s full agenda without a coordinator.

There was an executive session held July 11 for personnel issues and another executive session after the council meeting for legal, personnel and real estate issues.
