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Letter to the Editor: Do your homework! School board elections have consequences!

To The Editor:

The Defend East Penn Campaign, Levinson, Ford, Klotz, Jankowski, and Kelly spread misinformation in an attempt to divide and put fear into district voters prior to the school board election.

Their campaign manager, Aidan Levinson, (Josh Levinson’s son) mislead the public by creating heinous flyers filled with unfounded accusations (and continues to do so in the presidential campaign)!

East Penn School District is facing the highest tax increase in decades. Violence in our schools is getting worse as demonstrated by a series of videos on YouTube. Teacher morale is poor and the threat of strikes and turnover is high!

This board needs to negotiate a FAIR contract – immediately.

Bill Whitney, Ziad Munson and Mark Spangler led the charge in advocating for them and endorsing them despite their lack of relevant experience and false campaign promises. Candidate-elect Klotz admitted she did not know anything about unions, but said she supported them.

Whereas, candidate-elect Ford assured teachers that “she hears them and sees them.” Klotz and Ford, the public is watching. Your actions reflect that your vow to support teachers was meaningless.

It’s ironic. We tell our children to “do their homework” as it helps reinforce facts in the classroom. “Do your homework” also applies in school board elections and I encourage voters do more of the same before casting future votes!

Our community deserves far better!

John Hinkle
