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East Rock Road house addition granted

An addition to a house along East Rock Road in Salisbury Township has been approved.

The Salisbury Township Zoning Hearing Board voted 5-0 to approve the appeal of Jeffrey and Elizabeth Kuhns, 311 E. Rock Road, to construct a 14-foot by 8-foot addition at the back of their residence.

The addition exceeds the maximum permitted building coverage (10 percent permitted; 11 percent proposed) and the minimum required rear-yard setback (100 feet required; 85 feet proposed).

“It will be a dining area for our family,” Elizabeth Kuhns said concerning the addition.

As part of the approval, zoners authorized the possible construction of outdoor stairs at the addition. The authorization is good for five years. The intent was so the Kuhns would not have to make an additional appeal to zoners for construction of stairs, which is under consideration.

“We have talked about having stairs,” Elizabeth Kuhns said.

With the addition of the stairs, the impervious surface could total up to 20 percent, zoners decided.

Zoners voted 5-0 to approve a variance to pave two existing gravel parking pads-driveways at the residence, which exceed the maximum permitted impervious surface coverage (15 percent permitted; 18.6 percent proposed and the minimum required side yard setbacks (6 foot required; 3 foot proposed).

“Paving it isn’t going to make it anymore non-pervious,” Elizabeth Kuhns said.

The property is in the CR, Conservation Residential zoning district.

The Salisbury Township Zoning Hearing Board is next scheduled to meet 7 p.m. Aug. 14 in the municipal building, 2900 S. Pike Ave.
