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That dreaded day is here again!

The day I’m supposed to clean.

To have to do this every week,

To me, seems very mean!

I always wipe the dust away,

And vacuum all the floors,

I scrub, and wash, and dust, and sweep,

But, it seems there’s always more!

I do the laundry as I should,

I hang it all away;

That doesn’t really matter much,

’cause it’s full the very next day!

The bedding must be done each week,

To me, that’s a dreadful chore;

There are blankets, sheets, and bedspreads,

Which hang down to the floor.

Seems I no longer get them clean,

and placed nicely on the bed,

When I realize my work is done,

Now it’s ‘next week’ that I dread!

That means that I must start again!

With that dreadful same routine

I don’t want to do it!

But, I guess I’ll always clean.

Shirley Binkley

Cedar View Apartments
