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The Statue of Liberty Stands Tall in the U.S.A.

The Statue of Liberty stands tall

Upon her pedestal greeting one and all

As they come forth from distant lands across the sea

In their hopeful quest for freedom and opportunity

Oh, Liberty standing by the sea

So gracefully towering majestically

Was sent as a gift of friendship and alliance to our country

By the people of France in their generosity

Created in sculpture by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi

This magnificent symbol for America’s freedom and equality

Came to stand and represents

America’s greatest historic event

When thirteen united colonies fought hand in hand

In the revolution that swept throughout this land

Against the British reign of tyranny

And won “the Independence” for this country

With Liberty’s right arm upraised and her hand upholding so high

A flaming torch of freedom straight upward into the sky

She guides the airplanes in flight and ships out at sea

Unto the shores of America and the land of the free

From Paris, France she came as sent

Aboard the Isére to celebrate and represent

The Independence of this land

And the freedom gained for the common man

Oh, Liberty standing for all to see

On her island in peaceful tranquillity

Presents our nation’s policy

Of governmental democracy

In New York Harbor there she proudly stands

Welcoming the people who visit from foreign lands

To our great nation the U.S.A.

And the heritage and lifestyle of the American way

Oh, Liberty greets the aircraft in flight

And the ships coming forth each day and night

From distant lands across the sea

To the gateway of America and the homeland of the free

Standing so grand on her pedestal high above the ground

In her flowing robe of copper sheet and a seven spiked sun-ray crown

She commemorates the birth of America’s freedom and honors the U.S.A.

While cradling a tablet in her left arm inscribed with our Independence Day “July IV, MDCCLXXVI”

Oh, Liberty stands tall in this country

Presenting America’s freedom and our nation’s democracy

For the end of the unjust rule and British retreat

A broken chain-linked shackle lies at her feet

And with her flaming torch of freedom shining so bright

Among the stars throughout each night

Liberty lights up the way to this promised land

Here in America where she came to stand

by Asher A. Hetrick Jr.

