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Mama’s Musings: Vacation for James and his dad

So my youngest son, James, had his first mini vacation with his father. It was only four days, but it’s the longest he has been away from home in his life.

To keep myself busy, I took a job the first morning. I did some chores, some writing, all the usual stuff. I ran my older son to his evening job. By the third day, I realized I had overbooked the day and shoved a couple things to the last day. And I read a couple of books.

I had to keep myself from texting my son, which was a little challenging. I had to remind myself it was his time with his father, and I did not need to interrupt.

My favorite part of the four days was hiding for the Wolf Pack Search and Rescue dogs. We were doing “aged” trails. So I took a little hike in the morning, then drove back to the same spot in the evening. The handler and dog who searched for me brought flowers for all the hiders. We were hiding in the Trexler Nature Preserve, so I saw a monarch butterfly, a deer, catbirds and bison. Also, lots of people.

It was a fun way to spend a Saturday. Although when I first arrived in the morning, I was asked where James was. Not surprising, since he usually joins me.

I hope he enjoys his time with his dad. I think the amount of time for his first trip away was just right. I remember a few years ago, when my cousin’s ex took their son, who is younger than James, all the way to Florida for a week. That was hard for the mother. I am glad James is older, old enough to call if he needs me. Sharing a child isn’t easy, but it can be done.