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A vacant building is occupied?

At a quick meeting to wrap up business before the July 4 holiday, Bethlehem Township Commissioners dealt with a couple of business items July 1.

The first motion dealt with authorizing the advertising of an ordinance amending the Code of Codified Ordinances of the Township of Bethlehem, Chapter 187 entitled Property, Abandoned and Foreclosed. Township Solicitor James Broughal explained the amendments would change offenses from civil in nature to criminal in nature.

At the request of Commissioner John Gallagher, the motion was tabled after he questioned the logic of defining “a building that is occupied is vacant.”

Broughal agreed to take another look at the proposed definition changes found in Table 1.

The board authorized Township Manager Doug Bruce to enter into an agreement with Signal Services Inc. for traffic light maintenance. The contract is valued at $10, 325.

Gallagher told Bruce he hopes to see improvements in light maintenance to the corner of Ninth Street and Freemansburg Avenue at some point.