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Garden Club welcomes 15 new members


Special to The Press

The Parkland Garden Club recognized the 15 new members who joined during the past year with a “Tea and Social Refreshment Party” at their June 10 meeting.

Attendees were treated to an assortment of hot teas, fruit and mini sandwiches and a cake recognizing the new members.

Each new member, James Uhler, Carolyn Raring, Michele Triantos, Barry Nagle, Debbie Schneck, Candice Chorney, Lisa Mikitka, Sue Heller, Judy Huff, Ann Mitman, Sara Brown, Cristine Tietjen, Karly Lazo and Ann Kemmerer, was presented with a begonia plant, as well.

PRESS PHOTO COURTESY PGCNew members included James Uhler, Carolyn Raring, Michele Triantos, Barry Nagle, Debbie Schneck, Candice Chorney, Lisa Mikitka, Carol Nagle, membership chairwoman, (front) Sue Heller, Judy Huff, Ann Mitman, Sara Brown, Cristine Tietjen and Karly Lazo. Ann Kemmerer was not available for the photo.