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Another View: ‘I’m too young to be old, and I’m too old to be young’

“Maybe I’m just going crazy,” character Evelyn Couch continues in the scene of that above movie quote.

If you’re like me and enjoy 1990s movies, you’ll know those two sentences are from “Fried Green Tomatoes,” a 1991 American comedy drama starring Kathy Bates, Jessica Tandy, Cicely Tyson, Mary-Louise Parker and others.

When looking up that clip on Google, popular links direct you to YouTube and TikTok with hashtags such as #cuethemillennialtears, #agingisweird and #menopause. I may not be quite at the menopause stage, but I definitely have experience with perimenopause.

It wasn’t until recently that I connected with the conversation between Couch, played by Bates, and Ninny Threadgoode, played by Tandy. Being born in the late ’80s means I’m a millennial. In only a little over two months, I’ll celebrate my 38th birthday. Oh, boy — two more years and I hit the big 4-0.

A trend on social media lately is making videos and reels (don’t ask me the difference) announcing one’s age or occupation and the fitting outcomes that come with it. For example: “I’m a teacher. Of course I’m doing 15 things at once” or “I’m 50. Of course I don’t know anyone on ‘Saturday Night Live’ right now.”

Although not using a video or reel, I’m jumping on board with this trend.

I’m 37. Of course what makes me get up in the morning is my bladder.

I’m 37. Of course if I wake up in the middle of the night, I say, “I might as well pee.’

I’m 37. Of course if an event starts at 8 p.m., I’m not going.

I’m 37. Of course if you text me at 10 p.m., I’ll text you back at 6 a.m.

I’m 37. Of course I check the weather every day.

I’m 37. Of course I walk into a room and forget what I went in there for.

I’m 37. Of course now I know why my grandma took Beano.

I’m 37. Of course my son’s bedtime is my bedtime.

I’m 37. Of course I sleep the wrong way one time and then my neck hurts for a week.

I’m 37. Of course I’m hot, then I’m cold, then I’m hot, and then I’m cold.

I’m 37. Of course I need to push away reading material a bit to see it better.

I’m 37. Of course I had to double check with my husband that I was turning 38.

I’m 37. Of course I have extra weight on me that I can’t seem to get rid of.

My life, body, hormones and outlooks are changing. I have gotten used to some. For those I haven’t gotten used to, I think they will come in time.

With all of these changes and new aspects, I have found advantages of getting older, too.

I’m 37. Of course I think of aging as a privilege.

I’m 37. Of course I feel good when I get carded for alcohol.

I’m 37. Of course I look at sunsets longer.

I’m 37. Of course I sometimes just don’t care what people think of me.

I’m 37. Of course I’m part of a book club voluntarily.

I’m 37. Of course I know how important it is to be my son’s parent, not his friend.

I’m 37. Of course I know it’s better to be strong than skinny at my age.

I’m 37. Of course I make sure to include protein in my diet.

I’m 37. Of course I like going to doctor visits.

I’m 37. Of course I’m looking forward to next year when my college loans are paid off.

I’m 37. Of course I’ve learned not to waste my time on people who aren’t interested.

I’m 37. Of course I truly, honestly, more than anything in the world know how precious life is and how quickly it can be taken away.

Oscar Wilde said, “With age comes wisdom, but sometimes age comes alone.”

I know aging comes no matter what, but it’s my responsibility to include the wisdom. I promise I will do my best.

Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s time for my nap.

Stacey Koch

editorial assistant

Whitehall-Coplay Press

Northampton Press

Catasauqua Press