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Adults on autism spectrum welcomed to bimonthly coffee klatch


Special to The Press

Donerds Donuts, Bethlehem, welcomed adults on the autism spectrum to another Coffee Club Connection on June 24.

The doughnut shop partners with Autism Speaks and the group meets on the first and last Monday of the month.

Attendees receive 25 percent off doughnuts, coffee and other products.

This week after introductions, the group played charades on two teams.

Each winning team member won a doughnut or macaron of his or her choice.

Anyone interest in attending should sign up through meetup.com, “Coffee Club for Adults on the Autism Spectrum.”

PRESS PHOTO BY MICHAEL HIRSCHDonerds Donut owners Andy Underwood and Annabel Figueroa, attendees, and Figueroa’s parents, Alejandro Figueroa and Cecelia Herrera, visiting from Santiago, Chile, attended Coffee Club Connection.