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NHS girls hoops taking a different approach

This summer, Northampton head girls’ basketball coach Jeff Jacksits has taken a different approach.

Since he began his career at Northampton for the 2004-05 season, Jacksits has had a team in a summer league. In a transition period, the Konkrete Kids finished with an overall 6-16 record last season.

With rising seniors Jenna Raysley and Annie Beenders along with junior Isabella Pecuch returning from last year, Jacksits is looking for more developmental time. So his team is playing in an informal format at Catasauqua.

Jacksits stated that the returning trio will be joined by JV players who were brought up last season.

“We are not in any summer league this year,” said Jacksits. “We are having workouts twice a week in the morning, which has allowed us to have all of our players available. We just started playing games at Catty.

“(Head girls’ basketball coach Mark) Coach Seremula invites three or four teams to come and play each week.”

After his rebuilding year last season, Jacksits is confident his team can find a path back to the district playoffs. He saw his team turn the corner last season, as they headed down the stretch.

“The lack of varsity experience was our main obstacle last year, and we began to overcome it as the season progressed,” added Jacksits. “The staff and I believed we played our best basketball the last two weeks of last season, which will be a positive launching point for continued progress this year.

“We have three starters back, two seniors and a junior, so we should have good leadership. Summer will be a time for us to work hard and became a cohesive unit. We’re hoping this will lead to a more productive season next year.”

Press file photoJenna Raysley is expected to be one of the key, returning players on the Northampton girls basketball team this coming winter.