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Lehigh Township: Open house is July 21

Lehigh Township Historical Society will be holding an open house 1-4 p.m. July 21 at the historical center, 3811 Lehigh Drive. Stop by to see many interesting items that have been used by your ancestors for the past 150 years.

LTHS will also be holding three gravestone preservation workshops: 10 a.m.-noon July 27 and Aug. 17 and 3-5 p.m. Sept. 8. Take part in a hands-on basic gravestone cleaning demonstration.

To register, call 610-440-0151.


National Night Out, hosted by Lehigh Township Police Department, is set for 6 p.m. Aug. 6 at Indian Trail Park, 3821 Lehigh Drive. Meet your police officers and other first responders and learn about civic organizations.


Is your church or organization having a fundraiser or event in Lehigh Township you want to let the community know about? Send me the information at kristinaheschgrover@rcn.com, and I will be happy to announce it in a future column.