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East Allen Township supervisors fill vacant seat

At the June 27 East Allen Township Board of Supervisors workshop meeting, the board appointed Frank Kostecky to the vacant supervisor seat. Kostecky replaces Donald Heiney, who abruptly resigned his seat on the board in May.

Heiney’s resignation was announced by board Chair Roger Unangst at the May 23 meeting. There was no resignation letter read nor explanation given for the resignation. It was reported Heiney resigned at the close of the May 9 supervisors meeting. The board accepted Heiney’s resignation at the May 23 meeting.

Kostecky thanked all on the board for supporting him.

In other business, the board considered a land development waiver for the Jenkins Machine Shop building. They also received a recommendation to prepare and advertise zoning test amendments.

There was a recommendation to fill a township secretary vacancy. The hiring of Angela Henry was officially approved by the board.

Township Manager Brent Green noted Henry started her role as secretary as of June 19.

“We look forward to Angela joining the team,” Green said.

The board also voted to raise the township treasurer’s annual salary to $62,000.

Supervisors approved resolution 2024-17 to adopt the River Central Multi-Municipal Comprehensive Plan implementation agreement.

The purchase of a trailer for the public works department in the amount of roughly $13,000 was approved.

A recommendation to appoint the volunteer fire department officers as the property maintenance code officials for fire-damaged structures was approved by the board.

Several correspondences were briefly reviewed regarding an agricultural security area, a Lehigh Valley Planning Commission Compass Business Center review and a municipal notification Chapter 102 Compass Business Center.

Supervisors discussed a notice that Pennsylvania Department of Transportation is planning bridge inspections during 2024.

Keystone Cement’s hazardous waste permit renewal is due, it was reported.

All resolutions and letters can be reviewed by contacting the East Allen Township office.

The next board of supervisors meeting is set for 7 p.m. July 11 at the township municipal building, 5344 Nor-Bath Blvd. It is a hybrid meeting, with both in-person and virtual options. Visit eatwp.org for the access codes to view the meeting virtually.
