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Commissioners approve Front St. townhomes

Whitehall Township Board of Commissioners, at its meeting July 8, gave conditional approval for a major subdivision and land development plan for townhomes at 3229 N. Front St., Hokendauqua.

The approval is contingent on the developer accepting and meeting a number of conditions recommended by the planning commission June 19. Some of these conditions include making arrangements with Coplay Whitehall Sewer Authority and Northampton Borough Municipal Authority for water and sanitary sewer distribution services, covering any traffic improvement or impact fees, paying $2,000 in recreation fees on schedule and re-evaluating grading in some areas.

The developer must also address the June 17 recommendations from the township engineer and bureau chief of planning, zoning and development.

The developer has 20 days to accept the conditions.

Commissioners also approved resolution 3328 to request a grant from the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Financing Authority’s Greenlands, Trails and Recreation Program for the Ironton Rail Trail paving and gates project. The township’s match for the grant is $5,800. The grant is in the amount of around $160,000.

Bill 24-2024, authorizing the acceptance of a proposal for the removal and replacement of flooring for the senior center building, was approved, in accordance with section 3.20 in the Home Rule Charter. The Home Rule Charter requires authorization of acquisitions in excess of $25,000 by ordinance.

Commissioner Kenneth Snyder began a discussion about how business taxes are being handled to maximize business sales tax receipts. Treasurer Tina Koren was not at the meeting to share her department’s internal processes.

Bill 25-2024, appointing H.A. Berkheimer Inc. as the tax collector for the township business privilege/mercantile tax, was approved by a 5-1 vote. Commissioner President Thomas Slonaker voted against the bill. Before the vote, Snyder was adamant about the commissioners examining the township business sales tax collection process.

Resolution 3330 was approved, authorizing and directing Mayor Joseph Marx and the township to enter into a settlement agreement regarding the tax assessment appeal of Tenant Managers Whitehall LLC and the property at 2401 MacArthur Road.

A motion to approve the release of escrow dollars for completed and withdrawn projects, per Deputy Mayor Jack Meyers’ memo from June 27, garnered commissioners approval.

All resolutions and ordinances are available for public review at the township’s website, whitehalltownship.org, or by calling the township office at 610-437-5524.

Pedro Jose was appointed as an alternate to the Whitehall Township Zoning Hearing Board, with his term expiring Dec. 31, 2029.

Commissioners also approved the appointment of John Cool to the Ironton Rail Trail Oversight Commission to represent Whitehall as an alternate committee member.

Janet Minnich was appointed to the Whitehall Township Environmental Advisory Council, with a term ending Dec. 31, 2027. She was also appointed to the Shade Tree Commission, with a term to expire Dec. 31, 2025.

Also appointed to the Shade Tree Commission were Deb Rosene, with a term expiring Dec. 31, 2027, and Karen Poshefko, with a term to expire Dec. 31, 2026.

The next board of commissioners meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Aug. 5 at the township municipal building, 3219 MacArthur Road.
