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Bath: Church picnic set for July 12, 13

Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 210 E. Northampton St., will hold its annual parish picnic 5-10 p.m. July 12 and 13.

There will be clams, hamburgers, pierogies, hot dogs, cabbage and noodles, barbecue, baked goods, beer and more. There will also be food trucks from Geaker’s Taco, Mattie’s Strudel Haus and Mon & Mel’s Sweet Scoops.

Live music features Still Kickin’ 6-9 p.m. July 12 and Brian Dean Moore Band 7-10 p.m. July 13.

There will also be a tricky tray and yard sale 5-10 p.m. both days and 8 a.m.-1 p.m. July 14. There will be cash prizes, kids’ games, bingo and bounce houses, too.


Salem United Church of Christ, 2218 Community Drive, will be holding its blueberry festival 3-9 p.m. July 13.

There will be food, bingo, games and a raffle. A cakewalk will start 8 p.m. Music is also on the agenda, with Steel Creek performing.


There will be a free concert, set for 6-10 p.m. July 13 at Moore Township’s park, 635 English Road. The featured band is South Penn Dixie.

There will be food, beer, soda and vendors.

Proceeds will benefit Moore Township Community Days.


Emmanuel’s Lutheran Church, 3175 Valley View Drive, will host an evening of fun 6 p.m. July 13. Bring a favorite game, a snack to share and a friend.


Emmanuel’s Lutheran continues to hold yoga classes 5:30 p.m. Monday evenings in fellowship hall.

Pay as you go. Bring a yoga mat or towel, and wear comfortable clothes.


Emmanuel’s will be helping the Bath Area Food Bank by collecting cleaning supplies, paper products, canned vegetables and crackers. There is also an ongoing need for ramen noodles.

There is a special request for canned corn and string beans, chicken noodle soup and peanut butter. They are no longer accepting Jell-O or pudding.

Donations can be dropped off in the bins in the fellowship hall or the upstairs gathering area.

The food bank is always in need of monetary donations, and A-Hart’s gift cards are needed for emergencies. Bring all gift cards in an envelope marked “food bank” to the church office.


The Bath Area Community Chorus would like to thank you all for your support during the June 9 patriotic program. Your donations resulted in a check to the Bath Volunteer Fire Department for $1,070.


My email address is lhahn775@verizon.net if there is any information you would like published in this column.

My next column will appear in The Press July 25, so I need your information no later than July 19.

Thanks for your cooperation, and a great week to all.