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Mama’s Musings by Lani Goins - Summer dreams

June is over. I am glad, because I recently marked the second of my late mother’s birthdays that she was not around to see. Add a heat wave in June, and I am glad it’s coming to a close.

I hope July goes slow. I am making some progress, but not as much as I wanted. I have started writing a novel. It will be the second one I’ve written. The first is lying in a box, unpublished. This time around, I am being more intentional. I started with an outline and a character list. That took a lot longer than I expected it to.

My younger son has two weeks of full day camp and a mini vacation with his father in July. So that is when I plan to do much of the writing.

Lately, it feels like I am doing dishes more than anything else! It’s really amazing what three people can use. Peanut butter has now been temporarily banned. A certain kiddo needs to learn to wipe off his utensils before it comes back! Still, getting things done around home feels good too.

I am hoping for good things for July. I’m also hoping for a minimum of 90 + degree days, and no heat waves. Yes, this might be unrealistic, but a girl can dream.

My youngest and I went to a movie at the PPL center recently. James was asking if the ice would still be there. He got to see what the arena looks like without ice. But he was cheered by the Phantoms logos in the middle of the arena.

If the heat keeps up, we will all be hoping for ice!