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Moore OKs purchase of GOGov software

Moore Township Board of Supervisors moved forward with the GOGov program during the June 4 meeting. The board voted to approve the purchase of the system software.

GOGov is a citizen notification and permitting software. Numerous municipalities reportedly use GOGov to provide better service for residents and have a more efficient issuance of permits system. GOGov helps save time, leading to reduced township costs.

GOGov’s mission statement is, “Make government simple - for the citizens and people that manage it.”

GOGov’s vision is, “We love our customers. We believe in not only making our software easy to use but pride ourselves on being easy to work with.”

The program claims an innovative process that creates a user-friendly experience and achieves outstanding customer service. Visit gogovapps.com for detailed information about the services it provides.

In other business, police chief Gary West said the department handled 355 incidents, including three arrests. One arrest was for driving under the influence, and two arrests were for assault. The board also approved the hiring of a part-time police officer.

In the fire department and ambulance report, Klecknersville Rangers Volunteer Fire Company Fire Police Captain Jason Harhart said there were 36 fire calls, including three fires during May. Ambulance calls for the month of May totaled 81.

In the public works department report, the board approved the purchase of a Toro 12-foot grass mower from Salisbury Township at a cost of about $14,000.

The board approved renewing one certificate of deposit that matured June 11 and a second certificate of deposit that matured June 28.

The recreation committee meetings have been moved to the recreation center pavilion, 635 English Road, through August. Meetings are 7 p.m. the third Thursday of the month.

The Community Days committee is sponsoring a music at the park event July 13. Entertainment is by South Penn Dixie. Food will be served.

The committee is also seeking additional volunteers. Contact the township office for information about the concert or to apply to become a member of the committee.

A possible Eagle Scout project to repair the floor at the Edelman School is planned, according to the historical commission. The commission also has an opening on its board of directors. Contact the township office for more information or to apply for the open position.

The next board of supervisors meeting is set for 6 p.m. Aug. 6 at the municipal building, 2491 Community Drive.