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Taking a road trip at Faith Presbyterian Church

PRESS PHOTOS BY C. RICHARD CHARTRAND Faith Presbyterian Church, 3002 N. Second St., Emmaus, in partnership with the BARN Community, held Vacation Bible School for children ages 3 through the fifth grade at Faith Church 6-8 p.m. June 17-20. The theme this year was “Road Trip” – How we live as mission-minded children of God. ABOVE: Pastor Rebecca (Becki) Mallozzi tells a story about travel to the children and their parents with the help of Turquoise the Puppet. Professor McGregger also helped with the story.
Faith Presbyterian Church Music Director John Shilanskas leads the children in a song with movement.
Children use percussion instruments while singing their Vacation Bible School songs.
Children hear about the work of the Lehigh Presbytery Helping Hands Care Team. Ed Noga tells about the work they do going around the country helping out in any disasters such as tornadoes, floods, fires, etc. Kevin Kehoe and Chuck and Carol Bennicoff also help share the story.