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CWSA discusses rate study costs

During the June 20 Coplay Whitehall Sewer Authority meeting, General Manager Matt Harleman discussed a rate study being proposed by Keystone Alliance.

Harleman said he attended a meeting June 11 to discuss the increased cost. The bid reportedly came in much higher than the approved $6,000, due to additional projected time to complete the study and other add-on items, including a full audit.

Harleman mentioned CWSA received a joint bid for the 2024 manhole rehabilitation project. He recommended rejecting this bid due to the amount of work they have incorporated into the contract, which reportedly doesn’t justify the mobilization costs incurred.

The board agreed to table the motion to accept the manhole project bid. Harleman said they have an alternative to look at using another company.

A discussion was held on a requirement for a weather station at the Eberhart Road pumping station. The station will assist CWSA in determining how storms affect CWSA’s service. A vote was held and approved to table this for now.

CWSA members discussed the need for a new generator to power the CWSA building. The tank required, where to locate it and lines required were major concerns noted.

Quotes were received from Albarell Electric and Diefenderfer Electric. A motion was made to table this until July.

For board information, a signed proposal dated June 4 was received from Keystone Alliance for the sewer tapping fee calculation. CWSA also received an email May 28 from Phil DePoe at Lehigh County Authority canceling the June 2024 KISS project meeting, stating a meeting with municipalities will follow.

Chairman James Hahn mentioned an executive session of board members was held before the meeting.