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Mobile Health Clinic delivers

The Bethlehem Health Bureau held its second block party of the spring at Madison Park, this time to display and hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new Mobile Health Clinic.

A firetruck sat near the balloon decorated park entrance. Health Department staff handed out free tickets for food and Kona water ice. The Coalition for Appropriate Transportation offered bike checks. The health department also had a beanbag throwing game that allowed participants to fill a bag with hand sanitizer, first aid items, and more. Guests could also tour the Mobile Clinic.

The Mobile Clinic is in a long blue van, specially outfitted to be a working clinic. The paint is bright blue, with a distinctive orange sunburst design near the rear. Inside, there is an exam room, as well as a bathroom, and a refrigerator and storage. A retractable awning can extend the clinic space.

The clinic will offer health screenings and education, immunizations, assistance with health insurance applications, referrals to social services, testing and treatments for STDs and other illnesses, and childhood lead testing.

The Mobile Health Clinic will visit certain areas of the city with demonstrated need. The Health Department will be also be partnering with local schools, universities and community agencies to arrange Mobile Clinic visits.

The Mobile Health Clinic is now visiting communities and providing services.

COVID-19 funding paid for the Mobile Health Clinic. Director of Health Kristen Weinrich said, “The funds were very restricted in uses, but we were approved, and it was probably the most beneficial thing we have gotten. It will make services available to the community, and we hope people will take advantage of what we have to offer. “

Press photos by Lani Goins Director of Health Kristen Weinrich holds the extra large scissors for the ceremonial ribbon cutting. Look for the big blue Mobile Health Clinic in your community.
Lauren Fischer and Elaine Biltcliff of the Bethlehem Health Bureau's Lead and Healthy Homes program.
Brittany Pantoni demonstrates the items kids could win by throwing beanbags into designated spots.
Rita Agell, a student at Fountain Hill ES, sdisplays the temporary tattoos she received at the block party.
A BFD firetruck and balloons welcomed the neighborhood to the block party.