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New police officers approved in Macungie

At the June 17 Macungie Borough Council meeting, the land development for Lumber Street in Macungie was discussed. This plan proposes a two-story apartment building containing 16 units with 8,600 square feet total.

The plan also proposes an 11,680 square foot commercial building for Phase 2 of the plan. A waiver was approved for a 30-day delay which takes it to July 31.

The police report for April and May was presented. The police were dispatched for various reasons including medical issues to domestic disturbances, fighting, DUIs, fire calls, theft and suspicious vehicle and people.

A traffic study was done in May in the 200 block of West Main Street. The average speed was 38 mph with a maximum at 76 mph.

Sabdiel Diaz was appointed as a 30-hour police officer. A request to hire another part-time officer, Raphael Rivera, was approved.

Administration requested an upgrade for their iWorQ from a department package to an enterprise package. This better package has more advanced technology. This was approved.

A request for Macungie Park flaggers was approved. This will help during events at the park that require traffic control. This was apparent during the recent truck show which made quite a traffic jam and difficulty for pedestrians.

The Macungie Institute HVAC project’s final bill was requested to be paid. The amount of $161,598 was approved. The total cost of the project was $309,018.

A request to seek a grant for more crosswalk lights was approved.

An executive session for legal, personnel and real estate issues was held.

The next meeting will be held 7:30 p.m. July 1 at the Macungie Institute, 510 E. Main St., Macungie.