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Director of Emergency Services John Price to retire

Emmaus Borough Council met 6 p.m. June 17 for its monthly meeting where Police Officer Tyler Wiik was ceremonially sworn in, marking a notable addition to the borough’s law enforcement team.

Next, Christopher Gulotta, executive director of the Redevelopment Authority of Lehigh County, delivered an informative presentation on the Local Economic Revitalization Tax Assistance program. He gave a rundown on the different criteria that qualify designated properties and areas for improvement.

The LERTA program aims to provide incentives and exemptions during the phase-in of real estate taxes on improvements and new construction in a municipality. The objective is to create an incentive to redevelop properties consistent with local needs.

Gulotta’s presentation was strictly informational with no decisions made about the program. Following these presentations, council approved the minutes from the previous meeting May 20.

The council then made decisions on several critical bids. The Community Development Block Grant Americans with Disabilities Act curb project bid was approved, requiring the purchase of 20 ADA handicap ramps totaling $145,000. Three road projects were approved: the Thin Lift Program Bid, the Full Depth Reclamation Program and the Mill and Pave Bid.

In communications, council discussed a general event request from the Deca Salon at the Emmaus Triangle. The request was approved in a split vote, although multiple council members felt more planning was needed. The request was very general, but the focus seemed to be supporting local businesses. A set date and time has yet to be announced.

Council then acknowledged the notice of retirement from John Price, director of emergency services, recognizing his years of dedicated service.

“Chief Price was hired at a time when our fire department and borough management were in disarray. We had just come off a long-drawn-out battle in court and Chief Price came in here and repaired the relationship between the department and management. He created relationships between different departments that weren’t even there before. I now think we have one of the best fire departments on this side of Pennsylvania. John Price is the man that did that,” Emmaus Borough Manager Shane Pepe said.

The last item in communications was a Lehigh County Urban County Notice, requesting whether Emmaus Borough would like to renew as a designated urban county. Such counties participate in grant programs funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Under Pepe’s recommendation, the borough chose to renew.

In new business, two ordinances were introduced during the meeting. Ordinance 1265 was approved, removing a residential disabled parking sign in front of 215 Ridge St. Ordinance 1266 was tabled for the next council meeting. It seeks to restrict left turns from Klines Lane to Main Street during specific school hours to enhance traffic safety near Seven Generation Charter School. Ordinance 1265 will be voted on for final approval at the next meeting, while Ordinance 1266 will be discussed again.

In the mayor’s report, Lee Ann Gilbert announced she is attending the Hank’s Italian Ice ribbon cutting 11:30 a.m. June 30 at 303 Main St. She encouraged any resident available to attend and support the new local business.

Next, various committee reports highlighted ongoing projects and upcoming meetings.

In the public works report, a representative from USG Water presented their tank maintenance program contract. The borough is receiving a grant to pay a large portion of the rehabilitation of the water tanks in the borough. Council decided to approve the contract. Additionally, the termination of a public works employee was approved.

The health, sanitation and codes report provided a service overview of Whitetail Disposal but had nothing for official action.

There were no action items within the parks and recreation report; however, Councilman Chris Hoenscheid requested interested Emmaus residents join the entertainment and arts commission. They are low on members and would appreciate any helping hands.

The first item in the public safety report was an approval of a request from East Penn School District for an Emmaus police offer to serve as a school resource officer for the school district. Next, Samantha Williams was approved as the new EMS agency medical director. Resolution 2024-17 was then approved, amending the fee schedule for the services of the fire inspector. Additionally, the new ambulance design package was showcased.

During the general administration report, council considered adopting a LERTA ordinance, which was presented earlier in the meeting. It was indicated it could motivate developers in the borough to utilize the tax exemptions for new construction or reconstruction. In a majority vote, council approved the drafting of a LERTA ordinance.

Next, the borough passed another resolution, this time approving the borough to dispose of certain municipal records.

The budget and finance committee reviewed the May budget performance and significant financial activities. The approved bill list totaled $1,729,368.47.

The only item in the community relations, planning and development report was the approval to hire Thomas Comitta Associates for zoning ordinance design standards.

Pepe reported on the hiring of part-time seasonal park employees and a part-time EMT, albeit a resignation was received from a separate EMT. Council then approved a contract for coding for the Laserfiche Cloud Program. The last item was the appointment of Highway Foreman Guy Washburn as head group leader of parks/highways.

There were no items in the council president’s business.

The meeting then ended with an adjournment. The next Emmaus Borough Council meeting is scheduled for July 8. Residents are encouraged to attend.

PRESS PHOTO BY JAKE MELUSKEY Police Officer Tyler Wiik is sworn into the Emmaus Police Department by Mayor Lee Ann Gilbert, center. She is accompanied by Police Chief Jason Apgar, left and Deputy Chief Bryan Hamscher, right.