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Alburtis Area Community Center carnival plans continue

Alburtis Borough Council held its monthly council meeting June 12 to address only a few short agenda items.

Council members President Ron DeIaco, Vice President Steven Hill, John Aleszczyk, Mehmet Birtek and Ashlynn Rivera were present. Chief Tony Alsleben, Borough Manager Stephen Nemeth and the Township Solicitor David G. Knerr were also in attendance. Mayor Kathleen Palmer and Councilmembers Second Vice President Hector Moss and Chad Atkins were not in attendance.

When the floor was opened for public comments, a resident thanked council for recent road work completed.

There was no report from Palmer.

Alsleben provided a police report, detailing local crime statistics and ongoing public safety efforts. Vehicle stops were lower in May, although truck stops stayed consistent.

The council reviewed and approved the minutes from the previous meeting held May 29. A motion to approve the bills for payment was passed without opposition. The total bills amounted to $55,235.18.

The treasurer’s report was also presented, highlighting the borough’s financial status.

The Macungie Ambulance Report provided an overview of the recent activities and statistics. There were 12 calls to the borough of Alburtis in May.

The next portion of the meeting was dedicated, for the second time, to discussing a letter from the Alburtis Area Community Center, which requested police presence, road closures and garbage assistance for the upcoming carnival occurring July 3-6. Council deliberated on the feasibility and logistics of these requests, ultimately approving each request.

Next, council reviewed and recommended the approval of Payment Application No. 3 to Construction Masters Service, LLC. for $330,538.59. This payment is for the Bicentennial Village improvements.

Lastly, council acknowledged a notice regarding a payment from the state police for state police fines and penalties. The borough received $478.12.

The meeting then concluded with an adjournment.

The next Alburtis Borough Council meeting is scheduled 7 p.m. June 26.