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Mama’s Musings: Pride Month

Happy Pride Month! I think LBGTQ+ persons deserve a month of celebration. Too often in 2024 there are still hate crimes against them. But they are us. Our friends, our family.

If you don’t know anyone who is L or B or G or T or Q or plus, you are either living a very sheltered life, or you may simply be unaware.

Please check in with these friends and family members this month and every month. As a single mother, I know my greatest enemy is apathy. We have a tendency in America to assume everyone is all right. Probably not. Is anyone ever perfectly OK all the time?

I looked into the statistics of crimes against women, and against persons who are LBGTQ+. We share a higher rate of violence against us.

That is just wrong.

So please, acknowledge Pride Month by checking in on all your loved ones.