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Rusty Held honored for service to S. Whitehall


Special to The Press

Russell “Rusty” Held, public works utility foreman, was honored by South Whitehall commissioners at their June 5 meeting.

Director of Township Operations Herb Bender addressed Held’s volunteer work with the fire company.

“I would like to thank you for volunteering at Woodlawn Fire station for 41 years of service, as well as being the chief for 21 years,” Bender said. “Your 28 years of service here with the utility department, along with your 41 years at Woodlawn, shows your true dedication to South Whitehall Township.

“I want to personally say thank you for everything you’ve done, and for everything you’ve taught me to help me get to where I am today,

“I want to just wish you the best of luck in your retirement, Russ, and thank you for everything.“

President Diane Kelly also commented.

“I have a proclamation to read but on a personal level, I receive all of your brothers and sisters here and the fire services are here tonight because of you, because of who you are, and your heart for this community,” Kelly said. “I personally want to thank you for the dedication you’ve shown to serve and for your family.

“The sacrifices I know your family has endured, for you to give of yourself so freely to this township.

“I do have a Distinguished Service Award to present to Russell Held, from the South Whitehall Township Board of Commissioners, township staff and citizens of South Whitehall.

“We’d like to take this time to recognize your 28 years of service with the South Whitehall Township Public Works Department from July 1996 to June of 2024.

“We thank you for your dedication and leadership shown as you serve this community.

“It is with great pride and appreciation the Board of Commissioners and township staff hereby present this Distinguished Service Award as a token of our gratitude to you, Rusty Held.

“It has been an honor and privilege to work with you throughout the years.

“We are deeply grateful to you.

“We wish you the very best in your future endeavors.

“Please know you will be greatly missed.”

PRESS PHOTO COURTESY WOODLAWN FIRE DEPARTMENT Commissioners Chris Peischl, Jacob Roth, Monica Hodges, President Diane Kelly, Russell “Rusty” Held, holding proclamation, Director of Operations Herb Bender, Township Manager Tom Petrucci, Commissioner Michael Thomas, and Capt. Steven Brown, acting chief of police at the South Whitehall Township commissioners' June 5 meeting.