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Whitehall police

Whitehall police responded to these and other calls recently.

MAY 15

Detectives responded to a Child Line referral in the 3400 block of North Front Street.

Officers investigated disturbances on Sumner and South Lehigh avenues, Knossos Drive, Zephyr Boulevard and at MacArthur Road and Fornaciari Drive.

Alarms brought police to Second Avenue and West Coplay Road.

A security check was conducted in the 400 block of Windsor Street.

Suspicious activity on Calvert and Quarry streets was reported.

Police responded to an animal complaint in the 1200 block of Schadt Avenue.

The department performed a public service in the 2800 block of Lehigh Street.

Property damage in the 5200 block of Second Street brought police to the scene.

MAY 16

Officers investigated a disturbance in the 1100 block of Schadt Avenue.

Police responded to an alarm in the 1900 block of MacArthur Road.

A parking complaint brought police to the 1200 block of Delphi Drive.

Officers handled a report of found property in the 3200 block of MacArthur Road.

MAY 17

Police were on the scene of a mental health call in the 1100 block of West Highland Street.

A death investigation brought officers to the 1500 block of Athens Drive.

Disturbances on North Third Avenue and at Second and Grape streets were investigated.

Officers responded to alarms on Lehigh and Grape streets.

Reports of reckless driving brought police to MacArthur Road and at Pershing Boulevard and First Street.

Suspicious activity on Mickley Road and at Lehigh Valley Mall Lifestyle Center was investigated.

A wanted person in the 3200 block of MacArthur Road was reported.

Officers conducted a security check in the unit block of Eisenhower Circle.

A welfare check was performed in the 3300 block of Park Court.

MAY 18

Police investigated disturbances on North Third Avenue and Orchard Drive.

Officers were on the scene of an animal complaint in the 300 block of Sixth Street.

The department performed a public service in the 600 block of Seventh Street.

Disabled vehicles on Chestnut Street and Sutler Drive were investigated.

Police investigated a report of lost property in the 2600 block of MacArthur Road.

A report of an abandoned vehicle brought police to the 900 block of North Poplar Street.

MAY 19

Officers were on the scene of an animal complaint in the 3300 block of North Hobson Street.

Welfare checks were conducted on Mechanicsville Road, Hampshire Circle and North First Avenue.

Police investigated parking complaints on Overlook and Mickley roads and at Lehigh Valley Mall.

Suspicious activity in the 2600 block of MacArthur Road was reported.

Officers responded to a report of a hazardous condition in the 2500 block of Mickley Avenue.

MAY 20

Police investigated disturbances on MacArthur Road, Maryland Circle and Sumner Avenue and Oakwood Drive.

An animal complaint in the 100 block of Orchard Drive brought police to the scene.

Officers responded to alarms on South Front Street and Sumner Avenue.

Police investigated reports of wanted individuals on MacArthur Road and at Jordan Parkway and Mickley Road.

Suspicious activity on MacArthur Road, Pericles Place and Jordan Parkway was reported.

The department performed public services on Briar Lane and Chestnut Street and First Avenue and Main Street.

A hazardous condition brought police to MacArthur Road and West Columbia Street.

MAY 21

Reports of disturbances on MacArthur and Coplay roads, Corinth Drive, at Eberhart and Range roads and at Lehigh Valley Mall were investigated.

A welfare check was conducted in the 1300 block of Mickley Road.

Suspicious activity at Whitehall Mall was reported.

The department performed a public service in the 600 block of North Second Street.

MAY 22

Police were on the scene of a mental health call in the 1200 block of Fairmont Street.

Alarms brought police to Mickley and MacArthur roads.

Officers responded to animal complaints on Fifth Street, Fernhill Lane and MacArthur Road.

A report of a found person brought police to the 1300 block of North 14th Street.

A welfare check was conducted in the 100 block of Franklin Street.

The department performed a public service in the 3300 block of MacArthur Road.

Reports of hazardous conditions on Main Street and Fairmont Avenue were handled by police.

A parking complaint at Summit and Third streets was investigated.

MAY 23

Detectives investigated a Child Line referral in the 3200 block of MacArthur Road.

Police were on the scene of a disturbance in the 1500 block of MacArthur Road.

Officers responded to alarms on Grape and Pennsylvania streets, Wentz Court, Sumner and Schadt avenues, Madison Lane and Somerset and Mechanicsville roads.

A mental health call in the 2900 block of Zephyr Boulevard was investigated.

Police responded to animal complaints on Mickley Road and Willow Street.

Reports of hazardous conditions at North 11th and Congress streets, North 13th Street and Overlook Road, the 700 block of Fifth Street, the 1200 block of North 13th Street, Seventh Street and Fairmont Avenue, the 3000 block of South Front Street, the 400 block of Kansas Avenue and the 2100 block of MacArthur Road brought out police.

The department performed a public service at Lehigh Valley Mall.

Officers investigated abandoned vehicles on Quarry Street.

MAY 24

Police responded to reported overdoses in the 800 block of Fernhill Lane.

Disturbances brought police to Hillcrest and Gail lanes and Lehigh Valley Mall.

Officers were on the scene of a mental health call in the 2100 block of South First Avenue.

Welfare checks were conducted on Truman and North Church streets.

Alarms on Front Street and Sumner Avenue were investigated.

Suspicious activity in the 5400 block of North Coplay Road was reported.

Police responded to parking complaints on Schadt Avenue, Maryland Circle and at Lehigh Valley Mall Lifestyle Center.

The department investigated a hazardous condition at Johnson Court and Presidential Drive.

MAY 25

Officers responded to alarms on Ellsworth Drive and Zephyr Boulevard.

Animal complaints brought police to Ellsworth Drive and Congress Street.

Suspicious activity in the 2200 block of Second Avenue was reported.

Police were on the scene of a disturbance in the 1900 block of Valley Court.

A report of reckless driving brought police to Mauch Chunk Road and Linden Lane.

A welfare check was conducted in the 2100 block of MacArthur Road.

The department performed a public service in the 2800 block of Lehigh Street.

MAY 26

A drug complaint brought police to the 2400 block of Main Street.

Officers investigated a report of a missing adult at Fairmont Avenue and Kay Drive.

Police were on the scene of a mental health call in the 3100 block of North Hobson Street.

Disturbances brought police to Presidential Drive and MacArthur Road.

Welfare checks were conducted on Fifth Street, Basswood Lane and MacArthur Road.

Reports of suspicious activity on Seiples Station and MacArthur roads, Abigail Lane and at Gallagher and Mickley roads were investigated.

A security check was conducted in the 900 block of Jefferson Street.

Police were on the scene of an alarm in the 200 block of Quarry Street.

A wanted person at MacArthur Road and Schadt Avenue was reported.

MAY 27

Officers were on the scene of a mental health call in the 1300 block of North 13th Street.

Disturbances on North Third Avenue and Lehigh and Fifth streets were investigated.

An alarm in the 3100 block of South Seventh Street brought police to the scene.

Officers responded to an animal complaint in the 4000 block of North Church Street.

A welfare check was conducted in the 2600 block of MacArthur Road.

The department performed a public service in the 600 block of Fullerton Avenue.

Police responded to a hazardous condition in the 1200 block of Echo Circle.

MAY 28

Detectives investigated a Child Line referral in the 1200 block of Basswood Lane.

Disturbances brought police to Mickley Run, Fifth and North Ruch streets, Maryland Circle and MacArthur Road.

Suspicious activity in the 100 block of Orchard Drive was reported.

Police were on the scene of a mental health call in the 800 block of Maryland Circle.

Detectives responded to a cyber tip in the 5500 block of Main Street.

An alarm in the 2000 block of Eberhart Road was investigated.

Officers handled a report of a reckless driver in the 3000 block of South Second Street.