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Stiles: Summer solstice is June 20

The June solstice is June 20, marking the official beginning of summer. This will be the longest day of the year!

According to almanac.com, the sun will be at its highest point in the sky on the day of the solstice, and it takes longer for it to rise and set. Enjoy the first day of summer and all the days to follow.


School is out for summer. Pay extra attention when driving during the morning and afternoons as we are likely to see more children outside playing and enjoying their summer vacation.


The Whitehall AARP was honored to have the Egypt Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7293 conduct the opening meeting ceremony in May.

Commander Bob Orsulak talked about the meaning of Memorial Day, and Rebecca Rhodes played the national anthem, “Amazing Grace” and taps.

AARP Whitehall Chapter President Dan Hertzog presented a check for $500 on behalf of the chapter to Judy and Sheldon Ehret from the Whitehall Food Pantry.

CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS Members of the Egypt Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7293 conduct the opening ceremony at the May Whitehall AARP meeting.
Whitehall AARP President Dan Hertzog presents a $500 check from the group to Judy and Sheldon Ehret, of the Whitehall Food Pantry.