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North catasauqua Police

North Catasauqua police responded to these and other calls recently.

MAY 20

Officers conducted a walking patrol in the 700 block of Grove Street.

A report of an unwanted person brought police to the 900 block of Woodmont Lane.

A traffic warning was issued at Cypress and Fourth streets.

Police investigated an alarm in the 1000 block of American Street.

A report of found property brought police to the 1000 block of Fourth Street.

A security check was conducted in the 700 block of Grove Street.

Police responded to a motor vehicle accident in the 1200 block of Third Street.

The department assisted an outside agency in the 300 block of Walnut Street, Catasauqua.

MAY 21

An alarm in the 1000 block of Howertown Road brought police to the scene.

Officers performed walking patrols in the 700 block of Grove Street and in the 2500 block of West Bullshead Road, Allen Township.

Police investigated a noise complaint at Arch and Crane streets.

Security checks were conducted on American and Main streets.

Traffic warnings were issued at Howertown Road and Walnut Street, Howertown Road and Locust Street, Cypress and Fourth streets, the 1100 block of Howertown Road and the 1400 block of Main Street.

Police assisted citizens in the 1000 block of Fourth Street.

A motor vehicle accident occurred at Grove and Arch streets.

The department assisted outside agencies on Main Street and the 700 block of American Street, Catasauqua.

MAY 22

Security checks were conducted on American and Chestnut streets.

Police performed a walking patrol in the 2500 block of West Bullshead Road, Allen Township.

Officers assisted citizens on Locust Street and at Limestone and Eugene streets.

A traffic warning was issued at Second and Arch streets.

The department assisted an outside agency at Front and Second streets.

A background check was conducted in the 1000 block of Fourth Street.

MAY 23

Police investigated parking complaints at Blackberry and Chapel streets and the 600 block of Wyandotte Street.

Welfare checks were conducted in the 1000 block of Fourth Street and the 1100 block of Third Street.

Security checks were performed in the 700 block of Grove Street, the 1200 block of Second Street and the 1400 block of Main Street.

Officers assisted citizens in the 1000 block of Fourth Street.

MAY 24

Police performed a walking patrol in the 2500 block of West Bullshead Road, Allen Township.

Traffic warnings were issued at Fourth and Arch streets, Second and Chapel streets, Howertown Road and Fourth Street and Oak Alley.

Officers investigated a parking complaint in the 1300 block of Third Street and at Arch and Front streets.

MAY 25

Police were on the scene of a motor vehicle accident at Pine and Front streets.

Suspected drug activity brought police to the 1000 block of Second Street.

Traffic warnings were issued at Fourth and Grove streets, Main and Fourth streets and Main and Penn streets.

Officers assisted citizens in the 1100 blocks of Second and Railroad streets and the 800 block of Liberty Street.

A welfare check was conducted in the 1300 block of Woodmont Lane.

The department assisted outside agencies on Walnut and Front streets, Catasauqua.

MAY 26

Officers were on the scene of a reported hit and run in the 1200 block of Pine Valley Lane.

Police handled an alleged DUI in the 1100 block of Howertown Road.

An alarm brought police to the 300 block of Liberty Street.

A report of downed wires at Currant and Liberty streets was investigated.

Police conducted a car seat check in the 1000 block of Fourth Street.

Traffic warnings were issued at Main and Fourth streets, the 1100 block of Howertown Road, Grove Street and Howertown Road, Eugene and Third streets, Cypress and Fourth streets and Second and Eugene streets.

The department assisted outside agencies on St. John Street and at Fourth and Pine streets, all in Catasauqua.

MAY 27

Police investigated a report of suspicious activity in the 500 block of Green Street.

Officers assisted a citizen in the 1000 block of Third Street.

Traffic warnings were issued at Howertown Road and Grove Street, Cypress and Fourth streets, Grove Street and Oak Alley and the 1400 block of Main Street.

A report of a suspicious person in the 700 block of Grove Street was investigated.

MAY 28

Police responded to an alarm in the 1400 block of Main Street.

A security check was conducted in the 1200 block of Second Street.

Officers investigated parking complaints at Fourth Street and Spruce Alley and Second and Chapel streets, Catasauqua.

Traffic warnings were issued at Fourth and Chapel streets, Howertown Road and Grove Street, the 1000 block of Fourth Street and at Chapel and Second streets and Main and Fourth streets, both in Catasauqua.

Police performed a walking patrol in the 2500 block of West Bullshead Road, Allen Township.

An ordinance violation in the 1000 block of Third Street was investigated.

Officers patrolled the 700 block of Grove Street.

Police assisted a citizen in the 700 block of Grove Street.

School bus enforcement occurred at Fourth and Arch streets.

The department assisted an outside agency in the 800 block of Hendon Lane.

MAY 29

Police handled a DUI report at Third and Eugene streets.

Officers investigated ordinance violations on Front, Third, Fourth and Second streets.

A report of a suspicious person in the 1300 block of Third Street brought police to the scene.

The department performed walking patrols in the 2500 block of West Bullshead Road, Allen Township.

School bus enforcement occurred at Fourth and Arch streets.

Police assisted citizens in the 1000 block of Fourth Street and at Grove Street and Howertown Road.

Officers were on the scene of a parking complaint in the 1300 block of Main Street.

A report of a reckless driver in the 1300 block of Fourth Street was handled by police.

Police investigated a report of an abandoned vehicle in the 1300 block of Third Street.

MAY 30

A security check was conducted in the 700 block of Grove Street.

Officers investigated a report of found property in the 700 block of Grove Street.

The department assisted an outside agency in the 1000 block of Fourth Street.

Police assisted a citizen in the 700 block of Grove Street.

MAY 31

Officers investigated an animal complaint at Third and Clover streets.

A traffic citation was issued at Howertown Road and Grove Street.

Parking complaints brought police to Howertown Road and Palomino Drive, Fourth and Chapel streets and Second and Chapel streets in Catasauqua.

Police conducted patrols in the 700 block of Grove Street and in the 2500 block of West Bullshead Road, Allen Township.

Officers assisted citizens in the 1000 block of Fourth Street.

Traffic warnings were issued at Second and Buttonwood streets and Chapel Street and Howertown Road.

The department assisted an outside agency in the unit block of Front Street, Catasauqua.


A report of suspected drug activity brought police to the 1400 block of Main Street.

Officers investigated a parking complaint at Third and Arch streets.

A traffic citation was issued at Front and Arch streets.

A security check was conducted in the 800 block of Palomino Drive.

Police investigated a report of found property in the 700 block of Grove Street.

Officers assisted a citizen in the 1000 block of Fourth Street.

A traffic warning was issued at Main and Penn streets.


A DUI report at Howertown Road and Grove Street was handled by police.

Police conducted a security check in the 700 block of Grove Street.

Traffic warnings were issued at Howertown Road and Grove Street and Main and Fourth streets in Catasauqua.

The department assisted an outside agency in the 100 block of Bridge Street, Catasauqua.

An incident brought police to the 1000 block of Third Street.