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North Catasauqua Community Day Out

The North Catasauqua Police Association held its annual Community Day Out June 2. The event was spread throughout North Catasauqua William J. Albert Memorial Park, 701 Grove St., and had live entertainment and emergency vehicles for residents to check out.

Food trucks from Red Robin, Ridge Runner BBQ, Travelin’ Tom’s Coffee and Kona Ice covered the grass field for all to enjoy. After grabbing a savory or sweet treat, residents made their way over to the kids’ section where activities like a bounce house, balloon animal making and character portraits were ready for all to enjoy.

Music played throughout the day while people waited for live entertainment later in the afternoon.

The fun-filled event also hosted a variety of first responder stations for residents to stop by, ask questions or check out the inside of emergency vehicles. Pennsylvania State Police, Catasauqua and North Catasauqua fire departments, the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board and the Pennsylvania Game Commission were some of the providers present.

Alongside the basketball courts, stations were set up with information on organizations such as Catasauqua’s Scout Troop 94, YMCA’s Greater Valley Suburban North Branch and state Sen. Nick Miller, D-14th.

The event was well attended and residents were seen smiling and enjoying the warm Sunday afternoon. The North Catasauqua Police Association hosted yet another successful event for first responders to speak with residents.

Attendees at the North Catasauqua Police Association Community Day Out June 2 at North Catasauqua William J. Albert Memorial Park enjoy looking at emergency vehicles and speaking with first responders. PRESS PHOTOS BY CASSANDRA DAYOUB
North Catasauqua Police Department Officers Safadi, Hazim and Knecht are ready to greet residents and answer questions.
Members of the Catasauqua and North Catasauqua fire departments attend the event.
Pennsylvania State Police troopers enjoy the pleasant weather at the event.
PRESS PHOTOS BY CASSANDRA DAYOUB North Catasauqua Police Department offers free fingerprinting for kids at the North Catasauqua Police Association Community Day Out June 2 at North Catasauqua William J. Albert Memorial Park, 701 Grove St.
Residents enjoy balloon animal making and character portraits at the event.
The YMCA Greater Valley Suburban North Branch provides information to residents.
A deejay provides musical entertainment early in the afternoon.
Alyssa Paone and Cecilia Deitzel represent Scout Troop 94.