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Manager announces retirement plan

At the June 6 Northampton Borough Council meeting, borough Manager LeRoy Brobst announced his intent to retire. He will vacate the borough manager position effective Aug. 31.

Brobst has served the borough in multiple positions for more than 57 years.

Council members expressed shock and sadness about Brobst’s planned departure but congratulated him with heartfelt accolades and wished him a happy retirement.

Brobst said he attended Penn State for a time and served in the U.S. Army. He returned home to Northampton and asked the borough manager at the time if he had a job for him until he returned to college.

Brobst was hired and began his nearly six-decade career.

Brobst noted he announced his retirement June 6 - the D-Day anniversary - and that he was inducted into the U.S. Army June 6 in the 1960s. He said he was grateful for his service because he saw many places in the world. Some he said he liked; others, he said, he wished he never saw.

Brobst said he had been thinking about retiring for a long time, adding the recent death of his wife was a part of this decision. He said the biggest hurdle he has “is the empty house.” Some of his family were present at the meeting, and Brobst asked them to help keep him busy.

Brobst noted he was born at the former Haff Hospital in Northampton, was educated in Northampton and worked nearly his entire career for Northampton Borough.

“Once a Konkrete Kid, always a Konkrete Kid,” Brobst said. “I am a Konkrete Kid.”

He reflected on his more than 57 years working for the borough.

“It was a hoot,” Brobst said. “I really have enjoyed this.”

He added he only lives a couple blocks away from the borough office and said he can be called upon if necessary with any questions from the borough office. Brobst said he would never completely walk away and not assist if needed.

“You had a most colorful career in the borough,” Mayor Anthony Pristash said to Brobst. “You left a wonderful mark in Northampton.”

Council President Julia Kutzler noted she has known Brobst a very long time and wished him a well-deserved retirement.

In other business, council passed resolution 7-24 to amend the Civil Service Commission in relation to general qualifications of all candidates regarding Act 120 requirements for police applicants.

The Civil Service Commission requested and received council approval for a background check on John M. Bowlby for certification to be placed on the eligibility list for possible hire.

It was announced the borough police department plans to award the annual fishing contest scholarship to Brady Dolak. He plans to attend Penn State University and major in the law enforcement field, perhaps cyber security.

Police Chief Bryan Kadingo received council permission to have an officer attend a field officer training class hosted by the Coplay Police Department. The class is planned for July 22-24 at the Coplay municipal building. The cost is $549.

Kadingo also received permission for a police officer to attend the biennial recertification as the department’s defensive tactics instructor. The course is Oct. 14-18, in Phoenixville, at a cost of $1,500.

Kadingo recommended the placement of two “No Parking Here to Corner” signs, one on the west side of Lincoln Avenue, 20 feet south of Station Alley. The second one will be on the east side of Lincoln Avenue, 22 feet south of Station Alley.

Kadingo also asked that these two signs, along with a stop sign request on Poplar Street, be part of an amendment to the sign ordinance requiring council approval. Council approved the request.

Council also granted permission for a family to donate a memorial bench in a loved one’s name to be placed along the D&L Trail, near the gazebo by the falls.

Branden Crush, a junior firefighter the past four years, received council permission to complete an Eagle Scout project at the Northampton Fire Department. Crush wants to do an addition to a paver project there, including the addition of two concrete benches.

Ocean Church Organization of Reading requested the use of the Canal Street Park pavilion July 13. Council approved the request.

The next Northampton Borough Council meeting is set for 7 p.m. June 20 at the municipal building, 1401 Laubach Ave., Northampton. It is a hybrid meeting, with both in-person and virtual options. Visit northamptonboro.com for information to access the virtual meeting.