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Graduating seniors parade by Salisbury Elementary School May 29

Members of the Class of 2024 donned caps and gowns to make the traditional parade past Salisbury Elementary School May 29. LEFT: The Class of 2024 arrives by bus at Salisbury Elementary School. Additional photos appear on Page A2. Press Photo by Rebecca Foehrkolb
Salisbury Elementary School students line the route to wish the soon-to-be grads well.
Fatmeh Mahmud stops to greet her brother Muhammad.
Madlyn Williams gives her sisters Brooklyn and Emmalyn a quick hug.
PRESS PHOTOS BY REBECCA FOEHRKOLB Members of the graduating class make their way along the parade route.
Jake Zellin gives high-fives to future high school Falcons.
The Class of 2024 parades by Salisbury Elementary School May 29.
The senior class makes a quick detour through the school gym because the first graders were finishing up their spring concert and were not able to attend the parade.