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Catasauqua High School senior awards, scholarships

The following awards and scholarships were presented to members of the Catasauqua High School Class of 2024 during an event May 29.

Woman’s Club of Catasauqua: Abigail Antipas, Jane Armbruster, Alivia Bear, Raegan Brobst, Kelsea Warren

Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Seminar - Representative: Dakota Velas

Woman’s Club of Catasauqua (highest average in English-applied): Raegan Brobst

Woman’s Club of Catasauqua (highest average in English-academic): Sophia Becker

Catasauqua High School Alumni Scholarship: Alivia Bear, Kaitlyn Lawton

Class of 1937 Memorial Award: Sophia Becker, Alivia Bear

Class of 1951 Memorial Award : Brenden Eck

Class of 1956 Lucille H. Lambert Memorial English/Journalism Achievement Award: Alivia Bear, Delaney Troxell

Class of 1957 Memorial Award (outstanding seniors in the TV production class): Logan Younes, Kaylyn Davis

Class of 1958 Memorial Award: Zaniyah Jones, Ian Juica, Alex Sasdi, Brandon Snyder

Class of 1959 Memorial Award (good attendance, good grades, involved in extracurricular and community activities): Chad Beller, Mikhail Hartranft

Class of 1961: Sophia Becker, Zoe Kromer, Delaney Troxell, Jevon White

CHS Class of 1976 (involved in town government): Kaitlyn Lawton

Class of 1984 Memorial Award (senior male or female scholar athlete accepted to a two- or four-year college): Sophia Becker

Class of 2002 Award: Hunter Reitz, Mylie Sanchez

Class of 2004 Joseph Galm Memorial Science Award: Savannah Davis

Class of 2014 Milne/Fahringer Arts Scholarship: Kaylee Monahan

Michael Fickes Scholarship: Dylan Pacheco

Kathleen Keller Bartholomew Scholarship: Jevon White

Scholarships given by Catasauqua Music Arts Booster Association in honor of Mr. Dave Dunn (voice of the band and driver): Raegan Brobst, Jordan Soltis

Scholar Wrestling Award: Chad Beller

Lehigh Carbon Community College Foundation Scholarship: Delaine Popa Nina

Whitehall Chamber of Commerce Scholarship: Kaitlyn Lawton

Leonard Carlton Peckitt Scholarships: Delaney Troxell, Kelsea Warren

Salem Pre-School Alumni Graduation Award: John Loftus, Jordan Soltis

Daku Auto Body Outstanding Vo-tech Student Scholarship: Marcus Marmolejos

Bruce A. Frankenfield Memorial Award (highest ranked male and female): Kaleb Hunsicker, Sophia Becker

Jeffrey Scherer Memorial Award: Abigail Antipas, Jane Armbruster, Alivia Bear, Lindsey Caley, Riannah Martinez, Dylan Pacheco

Al Marhefka Memorial Music Award: Ava Smith

Catasauqua Garden Club Award (senior active in community service): Raegan Brobst

Principal’s Award for Outstanding School Service (outstanding service to school over past four years): Bryce Emery

Catty Crew Award: Alivia Bear, Sophia Becker, Ava Smith, Delaney Troxell

Sage Stauffer Memorial Award (senior male or female on the soccer team who plans to pursue additional schooling and has an interest in soccer): Elvin Baloukjy, Kelsea Warren

Catasauqua Area Education Association Memorial Scholarship: Jane Armbruster, Raegan Brobst

Catasauqua Community Partnership Award (senior who has contributed the most to community service): Kaitlyn Lawton, Delaney Troxell

Tracy Holmes Award (senior member of the FBLA, who has good high school attendance and has maintained good grades): Abigail Antipas

John Phillip Sousa Concert Band Award: Lauren Ruda

David Cunningham Memorial Girls Basketball Award: Sophia Becker, Delaney Troxell

Frank “Jive” and Janice “Nin” Snyder Memorial Award (senior male and female student in NHS and Varsity C Club): Peter LaPointe, Sophia Becker

Patrick S. Gilmore Band Award: Jordan Soltis

Alex Sofish Memorial Award (student attending Penn State): Peter LaPointe

Leonard Bernstein Musicianship Award: Raegan Brobst

U.S. Marine Corps Awards: Chad Beller, Delaney Troxell (Distinguished Athlete Award); Kaleb Hunsicker, Sophia Becker (Scholastic Excellence Award); Zoe Kromer (Semper Fidelis Award for Musical Excellence)

Arthur Williams Cross Country Awards: William Aguirre, Alivia Bear

Arthur Williams Business Award (senior furthering their education in a business-related field): Heaven Jenkins

American Legion Post 215 (senior interested in industry and social studies classes and shows clearest understanding of the world, our government and community): Heaven Jenkins

Frank J. Troxell Senior Memorial Award: Sophia Becker, Lauren DeLong, Kaitlyn Lawton, Riannah Martinez, Delaney Troxell, Jevon White

Raymond Hoffman Award: Sophia Becker

CASD Work Program Award - No Award, 2024

Catasauqua Fire Department Community Service Award: David Carl

Stacey Bendzlowicz Memorial Scholarship: No Award, 2024

Mark Moser Memorial Scholarship Award: Jevon White

Spirit of the Rough Rider Award: Logan Younes

Melissa Dunn Kinder Award (in memory of Melissa Dunn Kinder, who served in the Navy for five years and, after that, the National Guard): Bryce Emery, Joshua Rodriguez

Sheckler Teacher Award: Amanda Hunsberger, Kaitlyn Lawton

Michelle Shinsky Mason Class of 1970 Award: Jonah Arancibia

National Society Daughters of the American Revolution: Alivia Bear

West Point Dwight D. Eisenhower Leadership Award (outstanding character and achievement): Jonathan Rizzo

Deb Nothstein CAST Award Catasauqua Area Showcase Theatre: Jordan Soltis

Alva R. Davies Art Scholarship: Kaylyn Davis

Barrasso Awards: Riannah Martinez (in honor of Dale Buss, to a senior pursuing a bachelor’s degree in education in science with a focus toward biology); Delaney Troxell (in memory of Vincent E. Spess, to a senior who is a leader in the community); Amanda Hunsberger (from the Barrasso family, to a female student pursing a bachelor’s degree in the math and/or science fields

Sports award to honor the memory of Michael and Emma Brosky and in memory and honor of Gail Brosky Gillespie (CHS Class of 1956): John Pushkar, Delaney Troxell

Robert S. Spengler and Bernadine S. Wehr Memorial Award (seniors planning in majoring in the medical field): Kaitlyn Lawton, Kelsea Warren

Earl Stengel Memorial Scholarship Award (outstanding student and senior football player): Dylan Pacheco

National School Choral Award: Amanda Hunsberger

Slovak Center Social Club Scholarship: Delaney Troxell

CYAA Youth Award: Chad Beller, Lauren DeLong

Catasauqua Booster Club Awards: Alivia Bear, Jyzaiah Bonilla, Delaney Troxell

Catasauqua Hall of Fame Award: Sophia Becker, Peter LaPointe

Michael H. Yaroma Memorial Integrity Scholarship (senior demonstrating integrity and recognizes why it is an essential life skill): Delaney Troxell

Jim Kappes Memorial Scholarship Award: Lindsey Caley

Walter Schlener Memorial Award: David Carl

Varsity “C” Club: Chad Beller, Hunter Reitz, Sophia Becker, Delaney Troxell

Mark Reccek Memorial Award (seniors interested in law, politics, journalism, nursing): Abigail Antipas, Savannah Davis, Reese Johnson, Riannah Martinez

Gerald Case Memorial Award: No Award, 2024

Jesse Crossley Award: Zachary Bear

James P. O’Mara Scholarship Award (given by the James and Sharon (O’Mara) Maida Foundation): Ethan Armbuster, Dylan Pacheco

Quincy Jones Musicianship Award: Savannah Davis

National Marching Award: Lindsey Caley

National School Color Guard Award: Delaine Popa Nina

Allentown Post L of the Travelers Protective Association of America Altruism Award: Heaven Jenkins

Thomas Delong Memorial Award (outstanding senior basketball player): John Pushkar

Holy Trinity/St. Paul’s Catasauqua Scholarship: Lindsey Caley, Ava Smith, William Aguirre, Savannah Davis, Brenden Eck, Aiden Gannon, Ian Juica, Peter LaPointe, Delaine Popa Nina, Alex Sasdi, Augustus Serrano, Jordan Soltis, Kaylee Monahan, Zachary Bear, Zaniyah Jones, Hunter Reitz, Mylie Sanchez, Sadid Hernandez Flores, Aidan Saadioui, Elijah Weiss

Vincent V. Suppan Music Award: Lauren Ruda

Lehigh Valley Chapter National Football Foundation and College Hall of Fame Scholar: Ian Juica

Lehigh Valley Soccer Scholar Athlete: Jonah Arancibia, Kelsea Warren

2024 Colonial League Academic All-Stars Award: Bryce Emery, Sophia Becker

Kenneth C. and Shirley J. Wotring Memorial Scholarship Fund: Reese Johnson, Marcus Marmolejos

Erik Hirner Memorial Scholarship Award: Sophia Becker, David Carl, Savannah Davis, Kaitlyn Lawton, Riannah Martinez, Kelsea Warren

Joseph Meeko Memorial Track and Soccer Awards: Peter LaPointe, Abigail Antipas (track award, outstanding sprinter); Jonah Arancibia (soccer award, outstanding defensive player)

Meeko Humanitarian Awards: David Carl (Joseph John Meeko Memorial Award); Kaitlyn Lawton (Mary B. Meeko Memorial Award)

Debbie Linton Memorial Track & Field Award: Alivia Bear, Peter LaPointe (outstanding track and field student-athlete, achievement in school, community service and volunteer work)

Donated by a Friend: Aiden Gannon (senior accounting award)

Carl Kratzer Memorial Community Service Award: Alivia Bear

Varsity “C” Club Officers: Alivia Bear (president); Kelsea Warren (vice president); Jordan Soltis (secretary); Delaney Troxell (treasurer); Riannah Martinez (sergeant of arms)

Student Council Officers: Kelsea Warren (president); Ava Smith (vice president); Sophia Becker (secretary); Riannah Martinez (treasurer); Alivia Bear (sergeant of arms)

Scholastic Scrimmage Awards: Ethan Armbuster, Kalei Hodson, David Janoski, Brandon Larkin, Dillan McGaughran, Kevin McGaughran, Lennon Murray

2024 Brown and White Awards: Braden Bartholomew (opinion editor); Kayla Davis (review editor); Oghosa Ehanire (news editor); Ian Juica (sports editor); Lucinda Loftus (review editor) Reece Lopez (sports editor); Maliah Price (activities editor); Evan Reed (sports editor); Zoe Roth (news editor); Alivia Bear, Delaney Troxell (managing editors); Heaven Armstrong-Bingham, Elias Butrous, Mikhail Hartranft, Alyana Hernandez, Morgan Kessler, Christopher Ramos, Logan Younes (staff writers)

National Honor Society Members: Alivia Bear (president); Sophia Becker (vice president); Kelsea Warren (treasurer); Delaney Troxell (secretary); Kaitlyn Lawton (historian); Lindsey Caley, Peter LaPointe (seniors); Braden Bartholomew, Elias Butrous, Macks Gillette, Daniel Jones, Cody Kurczeski, Lynkan Moore, Jonathan Rizzo, Zoe Roth (2024 inductees)

2024 Senior Debate Team Awards: Zachary Bear (highest honor trophy, 14 debates); Danika Voorhees (four debates)

National Technical Honor Society: Briannah DeJesus (advertising design/commercial art); Jeremy Lemen (commercial baking); Khriz Medina (emerging digital media); Yaneisha Martinez (advertising design/commercial art); Brandon Snyder (SOC supply chain management)

LCTI/DCO Program: Lyla Brudnak, David Carl, Jason Cruz, Jonathan Davila, Jaylianna Martinez (completed the LCTI/DCO program)

22/23 PA ACT 35 Civics Assessment - 100% - Semester 1: Sophia Becker, Savannah Davis, Anthonie Hunsicker (2023 graduate), Carlton Penn, Alex Sasdi, Kelsea Warren

22/23 PA ACT 35 Civics Assessment - 100% - Semester 2: Alivia Bear, Zachary Bear, Kaleb Hunsicker, Aidan Saadioui

Scholastic Art Awards: Juliana Vazquez (honorable mention); Cassidy Stauffer (gold key); Kaylyn Davis (gold and silver keys); Mr. Matz (art teacher, scholastic art educator award)

CHS Drama Club Officers: Maryellen Schlegel (president); Adyn Wellington (vice president); Anessa Rodriguez (treasurer)

STARS (Students Taking Active Roles) Officers: Micah Garcia (co-president); Lauren Ruda (co-president); Christopher Ramos (co-vice president); Raegan Brobst (co-vice president; Brianna Abbott (secretary); Sirylli Jauregui (treasurer); Kailynn Rivera (historian)

Senior Honor Graduate Candidates (90-plus average over four years): Abigail Antipas, Jonah Arancibia, Jane Armbruster, Elvin Baloukjy, Alivia Bear, Zachary Bear, Sophia Becker, Chad Beller, Raegan Brobst, Lindsey Caley, Kaylyn Davis, Savannah Davis, Lauren DeLong, Brenden Eck, Bryce Emery, Kya Faustner, Aiden Gannon, Alexis Henry, Sadid Hernandez Flores, Amanda Hunsberger, Kaleb Hunsicker, Jailynn Irizarry, Reese Johnson, Zaniyah Jones, Ian Juica, Maxine Kovacs, Peter LaPointe, Kaitlyn Lawton, Riannah Martinez, Kaylee Monahan, Dylan Pacheco, Delaine Popa Nina, Hunter Reitz, Aidan Saadioui, Mylie Sanchez, Alex Sasdi, Ava Smith, Brandon Snyder, Jordan Soltis, Delaney Troxell, Kelsea Warren, Elijah Weiss (subject to change based on final grades)

LCTI Class of 2024: Ethan Boardman (auto tech); David Carl (DCO); Ryan Davis (emerging digital media and social communication); Briannah DeJesus (advertising design); Tamaira Hernandez (exercise science); Shantell Heron (dental tech); John Loftus (plumbing and heating); Gabriella Lopez (cosmetology); Marcus Marmolejos (marketing and business); Jaylianna Martinez (DCO); Izaac Medero (auto tech); Miles Melendez (precision machine technology); Connor Mickelson (diesel medium/heavy tech); Brayden Rivas (electrical technology); Jacob Russell (heavy equipment operation and service); Chad Schappell (drafting and computer aided design); Brandon Snyder (service occupations); Jasmine Torres (cosmetology); Jacelyn Vidal (cosmetology); Kelsea Warren (emerging health); Jevon White (marketing and business)

LCTI - Academic Center: Ethan Armbuster (pre-engineering); Pedro Dill (pre-engineering); Peyton Harrison (welding tech); Reyer Hawkey (carpentry); Sevyn Jones (advertising design/commercial art); Champoun Tin (auto tech)

Academic Letter Award (subject to change based on final grades) - seniors (earned 16 honor rolls): Jonah Arancibia, Jane Armbruster, Alivia Bear, Sophia Becker, Raegan Brobst, Lindsey Caley, Brenden Eck, Bryce Emery, Amanda Hunsberger, Kaleb Hunsicker, Ian Juica, Peter LaPointe, Kaitlyn Lawton, Dylan Pacheco, Brandon Snyder, Jordan Soltis, Delaney Troxell, Kelsea Warren; (earned 13 honor rolls): Jonah Arancibia, Jane Armbruster, Alivia Bear, Zachary Bear, Sophia Becker, Chad Beller, Raegan Brobst, Lindsey Caley, Lauren DeLong, Brenden Eck, Bryce Emery, Aiden Gannon, Amanda Hunsberger, Kaleb Hunsicker, Jailynn Irizarry, Reese Johnson, Zaniyah Jones, Ian Juica, Peter LaPointe, Kaitlyn Lawton, Riannah Martinez, Dylan Pacheco, Delaine Popa Nina, Aidan Saadioui, Mylie Sanchez, Alex Sasdi, Ava Smith, Brandon Snyder, Jordan Soltis, Delaney Troxell, Eric Vazquez, Kelsea Warren; (earned nine honor rolls): William Aguirre, Abigail Antipas, Elvin Baloukjy, Pedro Dill, Kya Faustner, Mikhail Hartranft, Alexis Henry, Sadid Hernandez Flores, Tristan Hodson, Heaven Jenkins, Maxine Kovacs, Marcus Marmolejos, Kaylee Monahan, Hunter Reitz, Aidan Saadioui, Mylie Sanchez, Cassidy Stauffer, Elijah Weiss; (earned five honor rolls): Ethan Armbuster, Jyzaiah Bonilla, Lyla Brudnak, Kaylyn Davis, Zoe Kromer, Carlton Penn, Denashaly Rodriguez, Lauren Ruda, Augustus Serrano, Champoun Tin, Danika Voorhees, Logan Younes; juniors (earned nine honor rolls): Braden Bartholomew, Mykenzie Bealer, Elias Butrous, Jonathan Cordon-Pinto, Faith Daku, Theresa Davis, Nicholas Doll, Osmar Ferre, Eulogia Fontanez, Lillyana Gacitua, Macks Gillette, Elexia Gonzales, Kara Gruver, John Herr, Daniel Jones, Cody Kurczeski, Darren Kutzler, Brandon Larkin, Jeremy Lemen, Desiree Martin, Yaneisha Martinez, Khriz Medina, Lynkan Moore, Jeremiah Mullen, Katrina Mullin, Joniel Navarro, Ava Oquendo, Maya Osorto, Christopher Ramos, Brendan Rice, Kailynn Rivera, Jonathan Rizzo, Caroline Rodriguez, Zoe Roth, Maryellen Schlegel, Kirra Stepp, Juliana Vazquez, Kadince Waldron, Brooke Weidaw, Taven Ying; (earned five honor rolls): Alyssa Baker, Jordan Bradshaw, Kennosh Browne, Florenni DeJesus Bido, Gavin Dengler, Matthew Fotta, Micah Garcia, Summer Garofalo, Matthew Holloway, David Janoski, Jada Keys-Pujols, Madison Leland, Cassie Miller, Elise Nunnemacher, Savanna Sayre, Nhi Thai, Adyn Wellington; sophomores (earned five honor rolls): Brianna Abbott, Mya Aviles, Brooke Barna, Makayla Bird, Aiden Blaser, Jaylynn Bonilla, Logan Brown, Janetliz Burgos, Juliana Burgos, Natalia Butrous, Avyrian Caraballo, Avery Cicero, Scott Columba, Kayla Davis, Rebecca Davis, Aalin De Aza De La Rosa, Seamus Deibert, Priscilla Diaz Rodriguez, Oghosa Ehanire, Cadeo Estronza, Amberlynn Faust, Yadiel Franqui Montalvo, Eva Gomes, Mia Gomes, Shelby Haldeman, Julia Harth, Dante Hatcher-Wilson, Sirylli Jauregui, Hailey Jenkins, Hamaad Jenkins, Nikoloz Kemashvili, Josiah Lafond, Kelly Leon, Lucinda Loftus, Reece Lopez, Dominick Matinelli, Dillan McGaughran, Kevin McGaughran, Ariella Miller, Nathan Molchany-Brown, Destyn Murray, Lennon Murray, Jayden Olivencia, Nicole Oquendo-Ramos, Molly Petruno, Laila Ramirez, Evan Reed, Jocelyn Rivera, Stephanie Robinson, Steven Santiago, Braeden Smith, Andrew Strohl, Keira Thomas, Eriana Vazquez, Dakota Velas, Maliya Walp, Caiden Weaver, Christopher Wellington, Anthony Yacone