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Blood drive held in memory of Wayne Leibensperger Jr.

PRESS PHOTOS BY KATHY HASSICK A community blood drive was held June 4 at Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church of Eastern Salisbury in memory of Wayne Leibensperger Jr. who died March 17, 2014 as a result of a motor vehicle accident. He was a regular blood donor at Miller-Keystone Blood Center. ABOVE: Tara Warthley gives a pint with the help of Matthew Pellot from the Miller-Keystone Blood Center. An additional photo appears on Page A2.
Donating blood is easy and comes with the rewards of helping save lives and visiting a well-stocked canteen full of snacks and drinks to help donors replenish fluids and nutrients.
PRESS PHOTO BY KATHY HASSICK Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church of Eastern Salisbury Council President Jamie Schupp not only helps to organize the blood drive at the church but gives the gift of life through his blood donation.