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Tending a spark

While global fires rage in war, climate and society, graduates of Freedom HS are tending an inner flame, a spark many spoke of reverently as hope for the future.

Commencement for the class of 2024 represented a calling for graduates at Stabler Arena June 5, where the theme, “The Fires Within Us,” was replayed by speakers with increasing intensity. It was a calling to fan the flames of passion and grasp in the dark for a single enduring kindling.

“School is not just about education, but the people who provide the fuel,” said student-chosen speaker Johnathan Chiu, from the teachers who take students under their wing as their own to friends you can confide in and look to for further support. “All the people in our lives are important in influencing our eternal flame. We are also influenced by the simple unpredictability of life. There will be many more battles as we fight to achieve our aspirations. I encourage you to embrace these battles: They may make us tired and weary, but they serve to fan the flames that we have within each of us as they influence who we are and whether we want to burn stronger or be extinguished.”

Displaying a small tattoo on his left forearm, Chiu said he draws inspiration from Disney’s “The Owl House,” an animated series about witchcraft, heroics and found family. Translated from the peculiar vernacular of the magical world of the series, he said, “Nothing will work unless you make it work.”

Nathaniel Sletvold, the faculty-chosen speaker, name-dropped many of his peers as inspiration and success stories of hard work in the face of challenges, and displaying resilience throughout. Friends in theater, drum line and volunteerism. “My fire was fueled by hours in the gym practicing basketball. What lights your fire is your inspiration. No one else gets to tell you what brings you joy or lights your fire. No one else’s flame diminishes yours.”

Class President Allie Harper said, “Any fire starts with a spark, the initial strike that ignites the flame and gets the fire going. If you think about it, high school is that spark. It’s where we acknowledge our passions for the forces of nature that they are, almost like a wildfire within us. It’s where we start asking ourselves the questions: How do I want to live the rest of my life, and what can I do for myself to make it happen?”

Harper said Freedom helped fan those flames through courses academic, AP, core and elective, as well as various clubs and activities; they have been equipped with the tools they need to support their interests and pursue them in future endeavors. She cited a number of classmates’ forays into new fields, and included her own. “I can even say the opportunities made available to me at Freedom in ASL classes and ASL Club with Miss Elliot have kindled my passion for the language, ultimately solidifying my decision to study American Sign Language interpreting at Bloomsburg [University] for the next four years.”

Principal Laurie Sage reminded the graduates to recall those whom they have to thank for their success; their teachers and parents. “I want you to reflect on your childhood, I want you to think back to those carefree endless days of playing in the yard until it was dark, swimming with your friends until your parents called you home for dinner and creating a world of imagination in just a fort in your bedroom. It only took something small to light that spark inside you.

“Your parents watched and waited patiently to see where you would catch fire. Graduates, you are shining your bright lights tonight and we celebrate each of you.”

School Board President Mike Faccinetto told the grads not to expect fairness in their lives, but that fire makes steel. “Hopefully the pandemic reminded you you can overcome any challenge thrown at you. Let’s not forget you dealt with much more than a global pandemic; you witnessed the tragedy of war and conflict throughout the world, the war in Ukraine and remembering victims of 911 who perished long before you were born. You supported each other in times of individual crisis. You survived the many new releases and albums of Taylor Swift; most importantly you weathered the storm during the darkest days of the Drake and Kendrick Lamar feud. I don’t know how you did it, but the fire within you propelled many of you to success.

“Class of 2024, keep the fire within you burning bright.”

PRESS PHOTO BY DANA GRUBB Classmates Tyler Marshall, Jacob Huch and Addison Huertas get one final photo taken before heading into Commencement. They'll attend NCC, West Chester University and Tiffin University, respectively.
“Once you have found the right spark, you will be unstoppable,” says class selected speaker Jonathon Chiu.
Faculty selected speaker Nathaniel Sletvold reminds his classmates, “What lights your fire is your inspiration.”
Class President Allison Harper poses a question for her classmates, “How do I want to live the rest of my life and create the spark to get it started?”