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Saucon Valley H ‘Play your cards right’

Pleasant weather greeted Saucon Valley HS’s class of 2024 as the members lined up for their June 1 commencement ceremony. An occasional gentle breeze blowing through Montford E. Illick Stadium compelled the graduating seniors to steady the mortar boards precariously perched on their heads.

Filling the stands were families and friends of Saucon’s 127th graduating class. Also attending were several 1974 Saucon Valley alumni celebrating their 50th anniversary.

“Thank you for all of the memories,” said Class President Kennedy Pacchioli in her welcoming address.

The trio of valedictorians took turns at the podium to address their classmates. Tying for top scholar were Kimberly Moser, along with sisters Julia and Victoria Youngkins. All three expressed gratitude to those who helped them along their journey.

“When I look back on my high school years, what I cherish most is not the content I learned, but the experiences I lived here,” Moser said. “Our successes are sweeter and our failures more surmountable when we share life with those who matter most to us.”

“Make sure you are living for yourself,” Julia Youngkins advised. “So many times we get caught up into labels and putting ourselves into boxes constructed by those around us, that we end up finally seeking external validation. We should be making choices that reflect our own unique strengths and aspirations.”

“You can’t control the cards you are dealt, but you can control how you play them,” said Victoria Youngkins as she shared one of her favorite sayings. “I truly believe that each and every one of you will be successful in life if you play your cards right and work hard toward results.”

Moser is headed to Tulane University as a political economy major. The Youngkins siblings will be attending the University of Texas at Austin’s McCombs School of Business.

“I have had insurmountable experiences in high school,” said Isabelle Zellers, who was selected by her peers as student speaker. “I have met the best people you could meet – the people right in front of me.” She expressed her unconditional love for classmates and role models. “I learned love from you all,” she said.

National Honor Society co-presidents Amanda Dettmar and Rylea Townsend announced awards.

Student Government Association Treasurer Jeffrey Holzbaur recognized attendees from the Class of 1974 celebrating their 50th anniversary.

“When he grows up, he wants to be a blue dinosaur,” said Superintendent Jaimie Vlasaty about her 5-year-old son Hudson. “I love the fact that he says this.” Vlasaty described how she appreciates that while he is surrounded by educators and other professionals, “He isn’t accepting what we know is the typical answer.”

Instead of asking “What do you want to be when you grow up?” the question should be, “Who do you want to be when you grow up?” counseled Vlasaty. “Strive to become a better version of yourself each and every day.”

Faculty speaker Lisa Allen challenged the graduating class. “Prep yourself for the journey, the journey ahead, with perseverance, resilience, endurance and solid preparation. Be ready!”

“On behalf of the faculty and the administration of the high school, we congratulate the Class of 2024,” Principal Teresa Casimire said after certifying they completed their state requirements.

Assistant Principal Julie Davis and Director of Student & Community Relations Robert Frey assisted with passing out diplomas.

As class adviser, Frey, along with the 2024 class officers, oversaw the turning of the tassels.

PRESS PHOTOS BY ED COURRIER Graduating Saucon Valley seniors file in to Montford E. Illick Stadium during the processional. Several shade their eyes from the bright sunshine while seeking family members packing the stands.
“I learned love from you all,” says Isabella Zellers. The student speaker, chosen by her peers, plans to major in premedicine at The Schreyer Honors College at Penn State University. Behind Zellers is faculty speaker Lisa Allen.
At right, Keith Morris is cheerfully handed his diploma by Principal Teresa Casimire and Class Advisor Robert Frey at the 2024 Saucon Valley outdoor commencement exercises.
Who do you want to be when you grow up?” asks Superintendent Jaimie Vlasaty as she addresses the 2024 Saucon Valley graduating seniors.