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Pollution reduction project update

Bruce Hulshizer of HRG provided Bethlehem Township Commissioner’s an update on The Stormwater Capital Improvement Plan during their June 3 meeting.

Hulshinzer confirmed two projects to pollution reduction projects are concluding,

“PRP Phase 1 project is wrapping up. That’s not going to meet all the requirements of the state, but that moves the program forward. And the second project that’s wrapping up construction is the small Bethman and Fairway project, with a little bit of infrastructure that was installed after working to respond to a stormwater recorded concern,” he explained.

Hulshinzer indicated two more projects will be up for bidding soon.

The first is for Walnut Street to mitigate flooding from Nancy Run to 10th Street. Bidding should be open by the end of the month, with construction expected next year.

Easton and Santee is the other targeted area where improvements to prevent flooding are being addressed. The project is on hold awaiting news on various grant applications.

The board approved the promotion of officers Kirk Harryn and Keremy Anderson to the rank of sergeant, and officers Patrick Brehm and Seth Williams to the rank of corporal.

A motion to change the Civil Service Rules and Regulations to waive the requirements of having either 60 college credits or Act 120 Certification (Police Academy Graduation) was waived for anyone applying for the position of patrol officer.

This is the exact same decision the board took last year.

Township Manager Doug Bruce explained the police department is expecting new vacancies because of retirements expected this year.

Davis Johnson was appointed to the Bethlehem Township Recreation Commission by a vote of 3-1. Commissioner Michael Hudak opposed the appointment.