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Moravian Academy ‘Beyond Green Pond’

History and symbolism are deeply held in the traditions of Moravian Academy.

At the start of the 236th Commencement exercises June 1, Head of School Adrienne Finley Odell made a point to recognize the Lenape flag, flying with the American flag, on the graduation stage of Snyder House.

She recalled how the Lenape nation originally inhabited the land where Moravians would eventually settle.

The flag was gifted to the school by one of last year’s graduates, Elena Tongg Weiler, and illustrates how all graduates leave an imprint of their years as students to the school, just like they leave with a solid foundation of the values and ethics Moravian Academy has instilled in them.

Finley Odell thanked families for supporting their graduates, as well as the teachers for their dedication.

President of Class of 2024 Francesca Bartolacci took to the stage to reflect on what the last four years have meant to her and her fellow graduates.

“For years while attending Moravian, I had built up the image of the coveted Merle-Smith Campus in my head. For a little kid, its freedoms were unimaginable,” Bartolacci explained.

“Unfortunately, on the first day of freshman year, I didn’t even reach the campus. No, I simply rolled out of bed, opened my laptop, and repeated that for the next eight months.” She, of course, was referencing what students experienced during the pandemic.

“I encourage you all to find excitement in the new chapter that is just beginning because we have been prepared with the skills and the strength to work toward what we can become beyond Green Pond,” Bartolacci told her fellow graduates. “All the things we have been pushed to do, putting ourselves out there, participating and trying new things, they can sometimes lead to failure, yes. But it can also lead to improvement and success. Our futures are crafted from the daunting act of taking risks.

“So, every time you find yourself in that slip moment of decision, wanting to but scared to remember that you were able to make it through quarantine, during one of the most formative times of our lives. And despite all of that turmoil, we were able to come back stronger.”

Associate Head of School Armistead Webster had his own words of advice to the Class of 2024.

“Through their years at Moravian, they have worked hard to become collaborative and confident communicators, ethical, inclusive global citizens, resilient and adventurist learners, critical and creative thinkers, empathetic and compassionate leaders, and joyful and balanced ethicists.”

For nearly an hour, Finley Odell made a point of ensuring each of the 71 graduates received their moment in the sun.

As she highlighted a special memory, an academic highlight, a sport or artistic achievement, and speaking with pride of the next step of each student’s journey, the sense of the greater Moravian family could be felt on the grounds of Snyder House.

School Chaplain Jennifer Nichols ended the commencement the same way she started them, in prayer for both the graduates and their families for a peaceful and bright future.

“May they use what they have learned here to make the world a better place.”

PRESS PHOTO BY MARIEKE ANDRONACHE Moravian Academy's Class of 2024 members gather outside Snyder House, on the Merle-Smith Campus for the 236th commencement June 1.
School Chaplain Jennifer Nichols offers words of wisdom and prayer to Moravian Academy's 71 graduates.
Moravian Academy Head of School Adrienne Finley Odell speaks of Moravian Academy's rich history. She also paid individual tributes to each member of the Class of 2024.
President of the class of 2024 Francesca Bartolacci reflects on the challenges and lessons she and her classmates had during their upper school experience.