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Macungie Institute facility manager resigns

During the June 3 Macungie Borough Council meeting, the crosswalk project was discussed. Research has been done regarding the powering of the pedestrian signs. Solar power units are more expensive to purchase but less expensive to operate. The hardwired units are less expensive. Borough Engineer Stan Wojciechowski will design a plan and present it to council.

Darlene Misselbeck, the Macungie Institute facility manager, has resigned effective June 28. Council accepted her resignation with regret.

A second security release was approved for Kay Builders as listed items have been completed.

A sidewalk/curb appeal for a resident’s borough property on South Walnut Street has been approved. The resident has agreed to replace the curb and driveway apron; however, he requested the sidewalk be removed and replaced with grass as neighbors on either side of his property have no sidewalks and the entire block of 11 homes on both sides of the street have no sidewalks. The sidewalk will be replaced with grass.

The public works department made a request for six concrete trash cans for $2,888. This was approved.

An executive session was held before the meeting regarding personnel issues.