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Mayor’s Message: Honor Hometown Heroes, show gratitude every day

With the Memorial Day celebration - the gateway to the summer of 2024 - I want to thank everyone associated with the very reflective and joyful ceremony we observed last Monday, including the members of the Catholic War Veterans, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the American Legion and all our citizens who made it a priority to take the time and travel to remember the sacrifices our Northampton heroes made throughout the years. I couldn’t be prouder of our town and the number of people attending, taking in the solemn patriotism of the 45-minute program.

Honored to have the opportunity to address the attendees, I refer to “gratitude” as the word of the day - not just gratitude on this Memorial Day, but every day. While we often compartmentalize our holidays to the 24-hour cycle our calendars put forth, recognition of the selflessness and dedication of our heroes should be timeless.

I find that the various Hometown Heroes banners provide me, as I’m sure they do many of you, that subtle reminder in the face of those who sacrificed, making every day a “memorial day,” as it should be.

I am also thrilled at the progress of the Instagram and Facebook Northampton Hometown Heroes sites. The fine work our high school students performed in contacting and expanding the stories of our honorees is evident by the ever-growing number of people following those sites.

Even with the school year almost over, these dedicated students, led by Junior Councilman Mason Smolenak, have more than 40 additional templates ready to carry us through the summer months. As many of these team members were underclassmen and women, I’m humbled that they all promised to return to the group next school year to continue this initiative. It is quite an impressive level of commitment, I must say.

I want to also congratulate all of our graduating high school seniors on such a momentous milestone in their young lives. I wish them all the best in their future endeavors, with plenty of support from their family and friends. When I do have the chance to speak to such students, I often remind them to find a way to best manage change, as real change in their lives is on the way.

I encourage them to take responsible chances to move up and out of their comfort zones, finding a way to make valuable contributions to their personal growth and impact in this world. Many are surprised when I mention that “you probably have yet to meet your best friend” as they head out to college or take on their next adventure. The realization that there is a whole new universe outside of their high school orbit is about to become reality, and may we be there to help and support them in this wonderful transition.

Now for all our pet lovers, this upcoming Sunday, June 9, is the annual Paw Prints on the Canal. This ever-popular event, held in our Canal Street Park, is in its 15th year. Running 11 a.m.-4 p.m., the event brings more than 150 vendors to the park to showcase all your beloved furry friends.

Highlights of the day include a demonstration by our borough police K-9 Officer Chico, dog training demos, rescue dogs and a sharp-dressed pet contest, to name a few. As the proceeds from this event benefit our K-9 unit, please try to stop down and patronize the many food and product vendors during this outstanding event. For more information, explore Paw Prints on the Canal on Facebook. You’ll be glad you did.

As we are into the summer months, please be aware of all the bikers out and about and the many children playing outdoors when you are traveling. While we have many children in town, we certainly have none to spare, so please slow down.

For now, enjoy the outdoor-friendly warmer weather, and I hope to see you when I’m out biking myself. Take care, my friends!

PRESS FILE PHOTO Northampton Mayor Anthony Pristash