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Musical Sundays on the Greenway

A crowd of varied ages, from children to pensioners, came to the Harmony Pavillion on the South Bethlehrm Greenway to listen to a live performance by The Billy Bauer Band. The band is based in Bethlehem. Their music is alternative, acoustic rock, with a folksy vibe.

“It’s nice that the city does this,” said Vocalist Billy Bauer, who also plays the electric violin.

The Billy Bauer Band will be at Musikfest, and will also be performing at several local venues this month. A full list of shows is on their website, Billybauerband.com.

The Live on the Greenway concerts will conclude June 9, with a performance by The Beautiful Distortion. The Harmony Pavillion is on the Greenway, between Taylor and Webster streets.

For more information about Southside Arts events, visit Southsideartsdistrict.com

Press photos by Lani Goins Melissa Waldron, with her daughter Corrina Waldron. Corinna, 6, is in Kindergareten at James Buchanan ES. “We try to come to all the Live on the Greenway concerts, “ said Melissa. Melissa has been teaching Biology at Liberty HS for 18 years.
Sarah Bauer, and baby Graham. Sarah is married to Billy Bauer. Sarah said, “we travel with my husband to local performances.” The Bauers have family ties to Bethlehem, and Billy's father worked for Bethlehem Steel. Baby Graham calmly slept while his daddy performed.
The Billy Bauer Band performs in the Harmony Pavillion.
A partial view of the crowd at Live on the Greenway. There were food vendors, and the Southside Arts Distict had a table as well.